19: to ensnare a heartless Beast.

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"We don't choose each other randomly, my dear," whispered my mother, as she gently brushed her fingers through my hair

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"We don't choose each other randomly, my dear," whispered my mother, as she gently brushed her fingers through my hair. "We meet only those who already are written in our fate. Those that live in our hearts, despite not being near. Remember that, Rex."

I felt a hit in the back of my head, and as my eyes were forcibly greeted with an abundance of sunrays, I closed them shut for a little while. A pair of robust hands were wrapped around my legs, and I felt my back roughing the ground as I was being dragged around.

"So, you are telling me the Queen herself...with a man?" Prisscil's voice ringed in my ears, and I felt my fur puffing up on the back of my neck. "I don't believe you..."

"I swear on the gods! You know I don't lie about these things, brother," insisted Vision. "Do you not trust my senses? I am telling you the White Queen has a child of her own, with a man."

I raised my head, which made Binge stop to turn around.

"Look who finally decided to come to his senses~"

"You sure were out for a while..." said Prisscil, taking a bite out of an apple. His back seemed to have closed up, his tentacles nowhere to be seen.

"I could have sworn you weren't gonna wake up. You didn't open your eyes for the past three days, we thought you were dead!" blabbered Binge, "But then you kept mumbling all types of things..."

He paused, letting go of my legs drop to the ground, and with a wicked grin on his face he started teasing me.

"Oh, don't go! Oh, truly~ There is nothing more I would want than to have you as my own...oh, don't leave~"

I was inclined to punch him, and felt even more embarrassed than when my secondary fangs grew out of place in my teens.

"Oh, stop with your nonsense," demanded Vision, slapping his youngest brother over the back of his head.


"Must you even ask?"

I raised up on my own two feet, and recognized the mountains ridges edging on both our sides. The Karpatix col which at this time of the year shouldn't have yet reached the peak of spring, was full in bloom. Bright greenery, filled with stains of red and white, covered our path, and raised to swamp the rocky peaks.

"What in the name of the Moon is that?!" gasped Binge, the scales on the back of his neck turning purple.

"That...is Rex's dear goddess," mumbled Vision, and all four of us stopped at the end edge of the col that opened towards the forest that surrounded Malum, and which served as shelter to our Nest.

The previously deserted place, much affected by the curse, was now studded with lively trees and plants that were flowering, or ripening fruit. Malum's level had risen in such a manner, that you could now spot it from a great distance such as that. But it wasn't tame, like it used to be. Great tides rushed from its center, raising towards the sky, ultimately crushing towards its banks. But above all this, in a vortex of wind and fury, which carried broken branches and raptured beings, among pelting rain and thunder strikes, was she. The subject of my disillusions.

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