03: the Lives laying in your Hands.

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My heart ached as the unsightly beast that stood before me got closer and closer

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My heart ached as the unsightly beast that stood before me got closer and closer.

Blood dripped down its fanged muzzle, piercing towards me.

"Don't touch me!" I screamed, swinging my arms in front of me as the creature roughly grabbed my face, its claws pricking at my cheeks. The fetid stench of blood tainted the air in my way as my tears gathered ready to spill.

Barely managing to free myself from its grip, I stumbled on the forest floor, the leaves sticking to the ends of my hair, and the withered vines clung onto my legs.

To my utter horror, I could hear the beast's bones cracking as if they were about to break, its breathing heavy. And right before my eyes, its claws reverted and its fangs shrunk. The black fur slowly faded revealing an unshorn skin surface. The beast, a towering man, with dark hair reaching his shoulders, fixated his gaze upon me, cold as ice. A thick, full beard covered his jaw, which was smeared in gore.

"Feisty one, aren't you?" he chuckled, his cold dark eyes stuck upon me.

Whenever I watched fantasy movies with supernatural beings, I always thought that the protagonists were exaggerating when they discovered the existence of werewolves, vampires, witches and whatnot. But I was wrong.

There I was, on the ground, my knees scraped, bleeding from the fall, eyes tearing up as terror slipped beneath my skin.

I couldn't breathe, I could barely make out the sounds around me, and my heart beat faster than ever before. It was so fast and so loud, that I could feel it in my temples, and pulsing in my ears.

A paralyzing tremble took control of my flesh and bones, leaving me petrified and speechless.

"You are scaring her," Rexsus spoke, and he firmly grabbed a hold of the man's left shoulder.

"Mind your own business, brother," the other said, shrugging the younger man's hand off. "You should know your place. You did your part, now..." he added, turning around to look back at me. "...Move!"

Before I knew it, his face got closer to me, so close that I could feel his heavy breath against my neck. Chills were still running down my back, and my hands were still trembling out of control.

We are often told that when you are afraid, you often find yourself having two options to choose from. On one hand, you may forget everything and run, and on the other, you must face everything and rise.

What was I to do? Could I even do anything at this point?

In spite of my terrified disposition, it took a few seconds of uncomfortable proximity and inquisitive glances for him to stop. That is when he suddenly pulled himself backwards, his forehead revealing some fine lines as his eyebrows joined together. He turned away from my direction, retching as he muffled his mouth.

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