08: Selenelion.

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The three pale orbs of flames in the sky burned above the horizon, their consort mirroring their image in bloody red smudges

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The three pale orbs of flames in the sky burned above the horizon, their consort mirroring their image in bloody red smudges.

I had been walking barefoot for a while now. Annia was close beside me, and the rest of the pack slowly following at a reasonable distance.

Dry was my throat, and the sun rays that bathed me in their warmth felt like whips on my skin.

As we were moving closer to Malum, a part of me knew that the time when the truth in regards to me would be revealed would come soon. They will realize that things had been going wrong for a while now

What would happen to me then?

I didn't know what to do. I was trembling despite the unusual heat.

I wanted to run. This would have been my last chance to get away. It was now or never.

But how? Where could I possibly go?

They were so much faster, and, without a doubt, stronger than me. I was outnumbered and without any advantage.

"It's okay to be nervous..." said Annia, breaking the silence. "But don't forget what we spoke about. Everything must go down according to plan.

She carried a part of the offerings in her arms; the rest of them being entrusted to the pack members.

There was no breeze in the air and no sign of any living thing on the surface of the earth. It's as if the cracks that were under us had opened completely for a brief moment and ate them entirely.

The path to the lake was more deserted than I recalled it to be when I was first attempted to ran away from them on the very first night. The lifeless trees served as the sole protectors of that place.

My feet were aching, and my eyes were too tired to keep track of everything, despite the vow I made to myself to stay alert.

The atmosphere was stuffy, and the dust raised to the sky in small particles that glistened brightly under the warm light.

By the time we reached Malum, the moon and suns were locked in place, mirroring each other.

The shallow water of the lake was covered in weeds, and dead bugs gathered around the surface, polluting what was left of it. The stench and decay tainted our senses and left us numb.

Everyone gathered next to Malum, and put the gifts on small, braided leaf baskets.

I walked through the water, for about ten meters away from the shore, where the water was so shallow in the middle that it barely reached my thighs.

I felt icky and the gross mud underneath me clutched onto my feet, making the baby hairs on the back of my neck stand up, giving me goosebumps, making me shiver.

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