20: a Killer's beating Heart.

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Since young, we were told 'You shall not murder'

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Since young, we were told 'You shall not murder'.

Yet, my eyes were haughty, and my tongue tasted of lies. My hands smelled of blood, and my thoughts were sullied.

Murderers must be subject to judgment.

'Nefastus' whispered in my ear, and I felt moist droplets tainting my skin.

The constrains of my sight were heavier than they should have been, and as I opened my eyes, I realized I couldn't move my arms and legs. Thick ropes tied me against the throne.

My head pained me greatly, and I looked around confused.

Rexsus rested his back against the sturdy structure, and his pale locks were cascading in the gentle breeze, as his head wobbled back and forth.

Moss grew from beneath the stone of the throne, it swamped over it, sinking between the cracks. The cracks spread all the way to the centre square of the Nest, making way for an abundance of wheat to grow between them. Fractured trees were fallen on the damp surface, nobody was in sight, and the sound of owls and rain drops filled the damp night air.

"I brought some water," Annia's words pained my ears.

Her face was pale, and blood stains marked her garments. She came closer to me, with a small bowl in her hands. She wiped her forehead with the sleave of her cloak, and extended the small ceramic dish towards me.

"Don't touch her," Rexsus' demanded, and his hand quickly grabbed onto her arm.

"It's just water, I simply want to clean her wounds," explained she, squeezing the rag in her other hand. "Those three did some considerable harm to her-"

"We both know nobody here wants her to make it out alive."

I swallowed uncomfortably, and I felt my chest tightening.

Annia frowned at his remark, and gazing at me for a split second, she reached out her had towards my forehead.

"DON'T TOUCH HER!" Rexsus shouted, pushing her away, making the bowl fall onto the ground, shattering. He exhaled sharply.

"Oh, little brother, believe me," Crassus' deep voice echoed between the trees, "Nobody wants to touch your little nymphy goddess."

The older brother came towards the city centre, his claws roughed against the ground his tail wagging in back and forth as he dragged a seemingly passed out child after him. He placed the body in the middle and sighing he looked back at us.

I felt like throwing up.

"Oh, but look who decided to join the realm of the sane!" he exclaimed.

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