25: how I lived before knowing you.

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It is odd, how one day, someone is no more than a stranger to you, a dangerous stranger at that, and before you know it, their mare presence consumes you, in such a burning manner that you wonder how it was that you ever lived before knowing them

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It is odd, how one day, someone is no more than a stranger to you, a dangerous stranger at that, and before you know it, their mare presence consumes you, in such a burning manner that you wonder how it was that you ever lived before knowing them.

Rex rested his head slightly leaning backward, his heavy breathing being the only thing that could be heard in the quarters where he came every day to tend to Maia. That day was no different.

It had been about half an hour since he came to change her wound sods, but drifted into sleep as he waited for her to awaken. Unknown to him, she had been eagerly waiting all night to see him, and was so positively surprised to find him sleeping next to her bed, that she couldn't bring herself to wake him up.

As his broad chest moved up and down, that pair of chestnut eyes he held secret desires for admired him so very closely. She gazed upon his features, gently tracing the map of his being with the tips of her fingers. A tall nose bridge, well-proportioned ripe lips of a pale shade of pink, the curve of his stubbly chin.

Rex's long pale eyelashes moved slightly as she found him frowning, his white brows drawing in together in an expression of displeasure. And before she could ponder more about what she found so oddly appealing, the man opened his eyes, heavy unrhythmic breaths leaving his mouth.

Startled, but more so flustered by the possibility of having to explain whatever she was doing, Maia curled up in her bed. She instinctively brought her hand to her neck, pondering on what words would best fit an explanation, a gesture which made his expression soften.

"I am sorry if I've frightened you..." he apologized, his voice hoarse and deep. "Are you alright?"

"Did you have a bad dream?" she whispered, and felt her throat burning slightly as the words slipped through her lips.

Rex brushed his fingers through his hair and sighed, but offered no answer.

"How are you feeling today?" he asked, heading towards the entrance where he placed the water bowl. "You were sound asleep when I came earlier, and I couldn't bring myself to wake you up."

His lips turned upward slightly as he recalled her bed hair, and the puffiness in her cheeks. He washed his hands and proceeded towards her.

"Is it alright with you if I aid your wound now?"

She pulled her garments a little lower, as to reveal the stitches on her throat, and leaned forward in his direction.

"This must hurt so much," Rex said, carefully wrapping the wound sods around Maia's freshly cleaned stitches.

It hurt to see her suffering, but more than that, it hurt to know she ended up causing herself pain. For all he knew, he was the one to blame for all her agony.

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