30: she is not for Sale.

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"Why must she come with us?" snarked Kore, stomping behind everyone

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"Why must she come with us?" snarked Kore, stomping behind everyone.

His arms were tightly crossed as he huffed and puffed about the situation. The three suns shined brightly in the midday breeze, pushing their hair backwards as they made their way through the woods.

"Actually," he faltered, "don't tell me. I don't want to know." He marched ahead, pushing them aside, and made his way in front of them with hurried steps.

Annia gazed over at the two others, who kept stealing glances at each other without uttering a single word. She wondered how long Rex would keep up the charade.

"I thought this seemed so much alike the outskirts of my grandma's village when you first brought me here," Maia finally said to her, "It looks so similar."

She paused as hers and Rex's eyes linked, and he sighed running a hand through his loose locks.

"Right here," she continued, pointing towards the oddly paved path, "the way the rocks form a way for us, it is just the same. Even Malum! I recall playing by its side when I was younger."

"It is because they are the same," said Rex, "and it is because they are the same that such places may serve as-"

"Portals?" speculated Maia.

"Not quite..." Annia corrected.

"The places have to do with it," Rex argued, pushing a branch that was blocking his way aside. "But it has more to with her and her hexes."

Annia frowned at him.

"She can bend time and space..." he added, not paying much attention to her.

"Like Doctor Strange!" exclaimed Maia, turning around to face him, but the excited expression that filled her face quickly disappeared as their eyes met again.

"Does this mean you could send me back some day?" she asked hesitantly, "If you wanted..."

Rex felt his heart shrink at the thought that one day she would be gone. It was inevitable after all. But he hated the thought that one day he wouldn't see her anymore. He wouldn't hear the vibrations in her voice, which sent shivers down his back. He wouldn't feel that maddening scent of hers no more. It would be as if this were all a dream. Perhaps, a nightmare, for her.

"I don't know what you mean by strange doctor and what not," Annia confessed, raising an eyebrow at her remark, "But Rex is speaking nonsense, again. I do not bend time and space." She fixed her judging glare on Rex, then turned back at Maia. "I told you before, didn't I? Sometimes, our powers do more bad than good."

Maia tightened her fingers together, digging her nails into the palms. She wasn't tied no more. Nobody stopped from wondering by as she wished. But she felt trapped, now more than ever.

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