04: then came Denial.

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"You are wrong," I said, unable to comprehend the preposterous things Annia just told me

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"You are wrong," I said, unable to comprehend the preposterous things Annia just told me.

My nails dug into my palms as I got up from where I was sitting down and I briefly struggled to keep my balance, wobbling slightly back and forth. Heat ruled the dust filled air, and it felt like maggots were crawling under the constraints of my mortal cage.

"You are all wrong!" I repeated, more so to myself than as to deny her assertions. "You want me to believe whatever nonsense and gibberish you guys have been trying to fill my head with?"

She looked my way, her golden gaze piercing at me. My lips trembled and tears weighted down on my eyelashes.

The garments they had me change into felt like they were tightening against my core, despite their seemingly thin constitution. I was under the impression that the washed-out white hem stuck into the ground pinning me in place, the mousy cape resting on my shoulders dragging me down with all its might.

"The moon never chooses wrong," she firmly declared.

The proximity between us shrunk as Annia attempted to reach her hand up to me. However, my feet moved almost unconsciously backward, and I shoved her hand away.

"Oh, trust me," I emphasized, and inched closer to the exit. "Your Miss Moon, or whatnot, has got it very wrong this time around."

"Child, everything that has been predicted by the prophecy up until this very point has come true. You are, without a doubt, the vessel," she assured me. "The vessel summoned by the blood of Nix may break the curse set upon our people. There is no other way around it."

Schopenhauer claimed that all truth must pass through three distinct stages. In a first instance, the truth will be ridiculed. Then it will find itself being violently opposed. Lastly it will, without fail, make itself accepted as being self-evident. I was not yet prepared to accept the things she told me; it was unreal, contrary to reason or common sense; utterly absurd and ridiculous. But at the same time, I didn't know if I was yet ready for violent oppositions.


"I don't want to spend not even one single second in addition with you lunatics. You continuing to spout this nonsense would not make me believe in it any more that I already do right now. You are as ridiculous as a donkey selling popsicles to a snowman."

Noise struggled to penetrate the thin walls that surrounded us, it lingered around and barely made its way through the entrance.

Annia crossed her arms, the material of her garments wrinkling under the pressure.

"Don't you dare look at me like that!" I demanded as our eyes linked again. I would have lied if I said I didn't feel intimidated by her. I felt her gaze burning into my skin. "I doubt there is much difference in age between the two of us, so you can just stop trying and drop the mojo jojo act you have going on, and the 'child this', 'child that'."

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