13: in nefarious Circumstances.

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Freezing crystals melted onto my skin as I made my way through the piles of snow, and I felt my chest tightening as my mind drifted to her

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Freezing crystals melted onto my skin as I made my way through the piles of snow, and I felt my chest tightening as my mind drifted to her. What had I done?

I grasped my hand tighter on the compass around my neck and exhaled sharply.


A raven's gurgled croak startled my thoughts as it reached my ears, making me stop on my path. I raised my head and took a closer glance at the woods that thickly grew in my surroundings, creating the illusion of a trail down the mountain.

The further I distanced myself from Maia, the more I could feel the soul curse shifting. I could feel it eating away at her being.

I wasn't ready to say goodbye. Not when I had finally got to see her again.

As I dragged my feet through the vesperian blizzard, I kept telling myself that maybe it would have been better if I had died as the prophecy said.

Rime ice formed down the strands of my hair and dragged down. It felt like they weighted more than they should. And despite the thick nature of my fur, I could feel the freezing cold entering my soul.

"I know you said we're gonna make it here, but the weather," said a lanky krayevee, bumping into me with not much regard. "Oh, this weather... This weather is absolutely terrible! Talk about a bad working environment! We won't even make it to one full moon!"

I stiffened my cloak at the sight of him and his companion, a dryad almost twice my size, and frowned at the thought of them knowing who I was.

"I'm telling you; you are lucky we managed to get here in one piece, the weather is the least of our problems. And stop pulling on my leaves!" snapped the dryad, turning around abruptly to yank her companion backward. "You know I barely grow any now that I'm far from the Vale. Do you want me to wither right here?"

"Don't say silly things like that! How can you think like that about me? And after everything I did to run away with you!"

"No," corrected the dryad, waving her arm in the air in an annoyed manner to shoo away snowflakes. "You didn't run away with me...I ran away FOR you!"

"Tomato, Tomato," mumbled the krayevee, "What difference is there?" And he bumped into me once more trying to keep up with her.

"You really have to watch it bastard, that's the second time you got in my way," he threatened, unknowingly stepping on my tail through my cloak.

I dug my fangs into my bottom lip, and struggled to not let out any sound.

"Cold caught your tongue?" he mocked, and I felt the urge to dig my claws into him.

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