05: Nefastus.

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"Have you completely lost your mind?" Crassus roared; his eyebrows glued together

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"Have you completely lost your mind?" Crassus roared; his eyebrows glued together. "I thought that it was clear enough to you what you were signing up for. Everyone was so desperate to do something to fix this situation we have been stuck in, and you know it was your blood that brought her here. But now you, of all people, can't even control yourself?"

"She couldn't handle the pain," Rexsus finally said after a third punch landed on his face, making red bloom from beneath his pale skin.

The two brothers that stood in the main square of the Nest had stirred quite the audience. People gathered in their proximity fussing around, their whispers, indistinguishable, engulfed the atmosphere and heightened the tense mood.

I was as confused as one could be. After the incident in the woods where I, strangely enough, found brief relief thanks to Rexsus, back at the Nest, nobody uttered a single word to me.

"What the hell is wrong with you people?!" I shouted as I rushed their way. "Are you just going to keep sitting there like some pathetic decorations, and just keep on watching as someone is being assaulted right before your eyes?"

I rushed to Rexsus' side and reached out to cupped his face in my hands. His jaw tensed as we came in contact, and I brushed my fingers over his wounds, with the intent of inspecting them, but he shrugged me off before I could take a closer look.

"Who let this woman here?" he inquired, not even sparing me a single glance. "I asked, who let her here!?" he shouted, as he stood kneeled down before his older brother.

"Where is that warlock?" questioned Crassus. "Annia!" exclaimed the older guy, his voice ruling over the silence that took control of everyone present. "Take her away right this second, before she makes me do something she'll regret."

The woman pulled me aside, and took me away to the place they provided to serve as my temporary residence. I tried to set myself free from her grip, but she wouldn't give in.

"Let go of me!" I complained trying to budge away. "I don't know what I'm going to do if you don't let go right now!"

I looked back at them, frowning at Crassus as I exhaled sharply and crossed my arms.

"We will wait for the syndicate to arrive, then you shall be dealt with according to their guidance. But what you did is intolerable, and it will be addressed accordingly," Crassus said rubbing the crimson off his hands.

"You all are scaring her," added Rexsus. "I did nothing wrong. It's the least I could-"

Another punch landed on his jaw.

"You just won't let it go, will you?" The older brother turned his back brushing his right hand through his raven locks.

"You people sicken me..." I sneered at Annia. "And why the hell is he letting himself get beaten up?"

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