*01: not the only One losing their Mind.

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*special chapter*

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*special chapter*

"Stop thinking about him," Annia told her as they exited the café, "you know what awful reputation that Crassus has, his younger brother can't be any different."

The curly haired woman, stopped to fan her face as the hot June sun bathed her in warm delights.

"Scratch that," Annia said, and crossing her arms she looked her friend with a sympathetic gaze, "all the guys in that Delta Nix frat are off limits!"

It had been only a week since Maia's mysterious encounter with the ravishing Rex, and all she could think of was how good his lips tasted on hers. The news of Crassus' baby brother, had spread like wild fire through campus, and all the girls were in hysterics to get a glimpse of the new guy in Delta Nix. Little did they know, someone had already gotten ahead of them.

"Promise me you won't meet him again," Maia's best friend urged her, as they walked down the university campus towards their dorm rooms. "I know enough about those Nix guys to tell you they can't be good news."

Maia didn't know what to tell her. She trusted Annia with all her heart, but a part of her couldn't just forget the stranger responsible for her past few sleepless nights. She wanted to tell her best friend how caring he was, and how much she made her laugh.

But Annia hated the Delta Nix guys.

"Do you promise me?" Annia asked, as they reached her dorm room.

"He hasn't called me at all since we met anyways..." Maia sighed, "Chances are he even forgot my name."

"Thank God!" exclaimed she, "If he called you, you'd have to actually talk to him, and no good would come out of that."

A part of Maia was sad that she got no texts from him, or any calls for that matter. But they weren't going to see each other anyways. It was only a kiss they shared.

Oh, but what a kiss that was!

"See you tomorrow in philosophy?" Annia asked, as she unlocked the door, and slipped inside. "Don't forget, tomorrow we have a revision for the midterm!"

"Save me a seat?"

"Last row, at the windows?"

Maia nodded in approval of their ideal seats, and they parted with a quick hug.

"Going to the rooftop again?" Annia questioned, peaking quickly through the door as she reopened it.

"You know I'm the only one who has the keys now that Mrs. Dunkin is away." Maia explained. "There are a few things I promised to put in order before the weekend."

"See you tomorrow then!"

"See you tomorrow," Maia replied, as she pranced up the stairs.

She reached to look through her bag for the rooftop keys, and saw her phone screen light up with a notification.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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