07: to be mangled.

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Anxiety and fear will always end up bleeding insanity

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Anxiety and fear will always end up bleeding insanity.

It is said that anxiety is a thin stream of fear, trickling through the space in your mind. If encouraged, it then proceeds to cut a channel into which all other thoughts are then starting to be drained.

Anxiety and fear bleed insanity.


A deep horn sound, slightly muffled, filled the heavy air, and soon everyone had steadily gathered in the main square of the Nest.

Robust and dry wood branches of different shapes and sizes, were placed in a pyramid shape. Carefully structured together, they formed the fire which was built right in the center of all of all that. It burned in bright, strong flames, and some of the children gathered forming a half ring around it. The flames blazed harshly amidst the afternoon dry air, sparks and vibrant motes waltzed in the air and raised to the sky.

I could feel the inferno against my skin, as if ready to swallow me whole.

Half-naked young women, all dressed up in similar attire made of alder leaves, danced around the fire. Their tails, suggestive and lively, wagged in the air as they moved in a synchronized manner. They shifted back and forth from me, and then they circled around, only to return in to the same position where they started off from. Their claws dug into the scorched earth as they swayed on the lively rhythm that came from the instruments which the younger men played skillfully.

Kore, the lad that bumped into me with his friends earlier that day, was skillfully and effortlessly carrying the main melody of the dance on a wooden pan flute ornate with red paint. He twitched his ears enthusiastically as he stomped his feet on the rhythm.

Not much further away, on the other side, facing me, stood Crassus. A few of the elderly women, which looked to be around their golden years, and the youngest children were gathered around him. They joked and fussed around the man, and the pups were tugging on his tail and onto his clothes, much to everyone's amusement.

He had a constant striking confident smile on his face, which made him stand out from everyone else. His features well defined, slightly on the rougher side, but not overshadowing his proportions, complimented his gaze which never wavered. Broad shoulders towered over all others present, and it seemed like there wasn't a single person there, beast or any other being, that could deny that they were all drawn to him. He had that aura which made one find him fascinatingly irresistible, like a forbidden fruit.

His eyes met mine, and he raised an eyebrow at me as he paused his chatting for a brief moment, but soon after he broke eye contact.

I exhaled sharply and turned away from him. I couldn't be bothered. Amidst all this, there was one person that was missing was — Rexsus.

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