10: Eris.

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A vermilion child, which was missing four of his eyes, snuck in front of me as I was waiting in line to get on one of the Harpies which had docked at the Northern Gates peak

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A vermilion child, which was missing four of his eyes, snuck in front of me as I was waiting in line to get on one of the Harpies which had docked at the Northern Gates peak.

He bumped roughly into one of the young cervitaurs next to him, making the entire rangale huff in agitation turning his way, their antlers swinging in the air with indignation.

"Watch it, punk!" said the one he bumped into. "Didn't your mom ever tell you to keep your eyes open when you walk?"

The boy looked at the much larger being up and down, with an almost too unbothered expression.

"Geno, don't bother," said one girl amongst them. "We have to get on board on time. We will just get in trouble again."

"Yes, Geno, don't bother!" mocked the child, on a rude tone.

"By the love of the gods! Do you want to lose your remaining eyes as well?" scoffed Geno, grabbing the child by the collar.

I fastened my cloak and marched towards them, with the intent to intervene. But before I could do anything, the vermilion sunk his fangs into Geno's hand, making the young cervitaur whine in agony.

"The fucking fried skin bit my hand!"

"Gentleman," I intervened, grabbing the child's arm with caution, "I would like to excuse the indiscretion that my companion has caused you."

Geno glared at me, rubbing his hand in indignation, and turned his back to us, and the rest of the rangale followed closely by.

"I so didn't need your help, stupid!" huffed the vermilion child at me, pulling his arm from my grip.

"Where are your parents, child?" I asked, inspecting him closely as he straightened his garments.

The kid's skin was less reddish than most vermilions I've came across, and besides lacking most of his eyes, he only had four limbs. This unusual fellow squinted his eyes at me and frowned at my question.

"None of your business, that's where they are!" he sarcastically replied.

"Now, now," I said, as we moved together, forward in line. "Aren't you a feisty one."

The child scooted under the shelter of my cloak with little to no hesitation, and started to rub his hands together in a hurried manner.

"I did hear you folks here in Vencross have come terrible weather conditions going on these days, but I had hoped that the news was not true!" he complained, blowing air onto his reddish palms.

The rain poured violently as I ran away from Malum, making my way through the grass that grew up to my knees.

Maia's merciless wrath had scattered the pack in the woods, which now grew thickly green with thorns that reached the sky.

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