26: dirty little Secrets.

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"Something that would make me happy?" asked Maia, leaning her head against the tree that was next to her

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"Something that would make me happy?" asked Maia, leaning her head against the tree that was next to her.

It was the first time in a long while that she left the tent, and decided it would be a good idea to follow Annia in the near outskirts of the Nest, into the forest.

She thought it would do her good.

Besides, all her thoughts in the last few days were about a certain someone. Too confusing.

She wondered about all kinds of things. And sometimes the thoughts about him consumed her in a manner she couldn't explain.

She wondered how he got the scars that peaked from his back. Why his cheeks turned red whenever he was around her. Or what was the meaning behind the branding on his arm. 

She found it interesting how much he hated being in the sun, and how easily his skin got burned. His very rare smiles made her thoughts run wild. And his gaze made her chest sting in a weird manner.

She concluded that all that staying inside was making her lose the little sanity she had left.

"Yes, he wanted me to ask you what he could do to make you happy," said Annia, plucking a few herbs that sprouted next to the tree Maia was leaning against. "Rex," she paused tucking the bouncy curls that cascaded downward behind her ear, and looked up at her, "He..." She looked Maia up and down, then sighed. "Never mind..." she mumbled, lowering her head back to her business, tucking the plants inside the small bag she always carried around. "I can only imagine how hard it must be for you right now, given what happened."

Maia brought her hand to her neck, but offered no answer.

"I feel like I owe you an apology," she said, "I know how strange it must seem that I do what they want me to."

"Why don't you leave?" Maia asked, crossing her arms. "You must be one hell of a witch given what you helped them do."

"They saved my life," she confessed. "When I first was brought here...I survived only because of those two."

Annia exhaled sharply, and clenched her fists.

"Besides... powers aren't always a blessing." They locked eyes, and Maia sensed a chill run down her spine. She felt the tree melt under her touch, ever fiber, every leaf, and the grass under their feet, it felt like flames. Strangely enough, Annia's presence made her feel like she was burning. Foxgloves bloomed towards her, and the fragile vines struggled to reach out to her. "Power is often overrated," she told Maia, stepping on the foxgloves "It often consumes you more than you can make use of it. You must have realized that by now."

Maia felt the heaviness of her being pressing on the flowers, the tender grass strands ripping under the pressure.

"So..." she said, exhaling as her cat eyes gazed over the dense forest floor. "Is there something that would lift your spirit in any way?"

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