18: she is not Real.

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 "What is our exit strategy?" Binge finally mastered the courage to speak again following what happened with Prisscil

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 "What is our exit strategy?" Binge finally mastered the courage to speak again following what happened with Prisscil. "If, hypothetically, the bearmen awaken, and the hoard of furries storm and attack us for this burglary situation we are engaging in, what is going to be our exit strategy?"

"Our what?" I asked, pushing large purple helldornaian leaves out of the way.

"Oh, my gods! We are all going to die up here..." 

"That is not going to happen, the odds of the goldwings to have an early migration is close to zero," reassured Vision, as he kept swinging his palm in front of him to shoo away small fireflies that gathered around.

"So, we have no plan, brilliant. In moments like this I could literally strangle the Dark King. Whatever happened to safe working environments?"

"I did tell you to stay behind at the Tavern," Vision reminded his youngest brother. "But you said you aren't backing out since we are talking about such a large amount of payment."

"Whatever..." he muttered under his breath and sighed.

As we moved through the multitudes of foreign plants cohabiting in a never seen before way, the rocky paths begun to elevate above the surface. Vegetation from the scorching lands of Helldorn intertwined with the vibrant specimens of the hallowmorian domains. Even samples from the White Queen's lands could be spotted, plants banned in the rest of the empire.

"Don't touch that!" shouted Vision, as Binge ripped away some saffron blooms that budded between some cerulean grass. "Those are Veracity weeds."

"Veraci-what?!" he exclaimed, turning around with the bunch of the plants in his grasp.

"Aren't they harmless?" I told them, turning around to make sure of what he was referring to. "They just give you a mild rash if they come in contact with your skin, do they not?

"Mild rash!" Binge's voice echoed throughout the air, his face full of horror while his ears twitched, dropping the flowers to the ground, making their pollen raise to the air, and ultimately sticking to us.

"A rash is the least of your concerns..."

"Oh, I don't want to think of shedding again, last time was dreadful, I tell you!" cried he.

"What do you mean?" I asked, as I felt my skin tingle.

"Veracity weeds are plants of truth, they will make you hallucinate what you most desire," explained Vision. "For once, I am glad to be sightless."

"Oh no..." mumbled Binge. "No, no, no, no, no!"

"I don't think there will be any symptoms just yet, so we must hurry."

"I am already hungry! How am I going to cope with all the best things showing up in from of me, ready for me to savor, EXCEPT I CAN'T?"

"I don't think you'll start hallucinating food..." I said.

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