17: Women, Tentacles, and a colossal Venus Flytrap.

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Viridescent vines ventured in our path, as we made our way across the hills that marked the beginning of Lord Baeron's lair

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Viridescent vines ventured in our path, as we made our way across the hills that marked the beginning of Lord Baeron's lair.

The bearmen, just like the lykans were the sons of the Mother of the sky and another god. Their father especially favoured Lord Baeron, who was blessed both in wisdom and good fortune, which was reflected in each an every one of his possessions. But above all of them, the grandest were the suspended gardens of his lair.

"As I was saying..." continued Binge, "When they are going to see me, they will know for sure!" His flower mouth opened wide and swallowed a bird that landed on his shoulder. He paused, his forehead creasing into an expression of displeasure. "I look nothing like those furry fluffs."

"Then we are lucky that it's their hibernation time," said Prisscil. "I don't want to think of being ganked by them for even one second. My gills shiver just at the thought of it."

"They say Baeron is asleep for half the full moons there are in a year," I explained. "He feasts with all his men before that for three days and three nights, and then falls into a death like slumber."

"Only when the goldwings who migrate from Cirrus Vale arrive back do they awaken. The dirge of a goldwing can awaken him. Isn't that so?" inquired Vision, shooing away some flies that gathered around him.

"But that won't happen for at least two full moons. Spring doesn't come until then."

"Oh, great!" cried Binge. "So, we are betting our lives on a lousy birdy! What's next? Walk straight into death's bed?"

"Stop complaining, and quit stuffing yourself with everything around us!"

"I can't help it! Ok?" he yelled at Prisscil, who slapped him over the head with one of his tentacles. "I am stress eating, ok? STRESS EATING! Just thinking of becoming a tuna salad for them scares the shit out of me."

I wished I could tell him it was going to be easy. That we would just walk in there, grab that damned slumbershade, and make a run for it.

"Just asking, since we're already here," asked Prisscil. "Why do you need this slumbershade?"

"Not why, but for whom..." mumbled Vison, looking my way.

I didn't know how to explain my irrational decisions. How, for some woman I knew for less than a year, I was ready to risk, not only my life, but theirs as well. 

She wasn't of my kind. She was the vessel we used to get rid of the curse. 

She didn't even like me.

And yet, she was everything I craved for. 

"So, there is girl..." said Prisscil, and his eyes widened in my direction.

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