12: Helldorn leaves no Debts unpaid.

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The third sun bled into the horizon as I came back to my senses

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The third sun bled into the horizon as I came back to my senses.

"He's awake!" said someone, causing the sound to ring in my ears.

As I moved my gaze aimlessly, I spotted the endless moving towers of Krayevus soaring above the pits of the mountains, piercing through the green smog. My head ached at my temples as I jolted upwards to get a grasp of the situation.

"Easy there, fella'," I heard, and a heavy palm was placed on my shoulder. "Those pesky branches hit you pretty roughly, you may want to take things slow for now."

I rubbed my forehead and turned around to look at the person who addressed me. One of the hallowmorians, the giant from before, took a seat next to me. His pale green skin was smeared with some ash marks.

"The boy..." I finally uttered.

"He is just fine!" intervened the spitfire. He walked towards us, and as he scratched one of his wings, he threw me an intrigued look. "You on the other hand..." he insinuated and pointed in the direction of my tail that peeked on my left side from under my garment.

I stiffened up, and retracted my form, and looked quickly back a t him and then at the giant.


"Only a few are aware, for now," the giant reassured me, "But you know..."

"What our friend over here is trying to say is that you are lucky." He paused as a group of passengers crossed the Harpies deck over to the other side. "If any of the Vencrow guards were to find out, things wouldn't look to good for you. A lykan out and about on his own... a white one no less," he paused, stretching his wings. "Do you not know the Inquisitor has given out bounties for your head?"

"We mean you no harm..." added the giant. "It's not safe beyond the borders of Vencross. You should return the moment this Harpie docks."

"But he saved my life, Smurg!" declared Eris, pushing the spitfire aside. "I say we help him!"

"Your highness," pleaded the spitfire, curling his wings on his back at the sight of the boy. "You know he meant no harm to your companion. He is lucky there were no guards in Krayevus, but in Vespera..."

The hairs on my back stood up at the utterance of a noble rank, and my eyes shifted to the young boy who made himself at home in our small circle.

"Wait till my mother hears of this!" pouted Eris, crossing his arms. "I had no intention of having a babysitter with me, in the first place! I am going to be SO humiliated when everyone at the academy sees me walking around with...with..." he paused, and looked the spitfire up and down, "with YOU!"

Eris complained for a little while, refusing to reason with the older helldornian. Slouching his back, he contorted his face in an expression of disgust at every attempt of reasoning.

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