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The trouble I had, uploading last chapter. 

Pan saw her sitting in a tree. Her body reminded him of an old lady. Her hands are trembling. A shiver went through her body as she tried looking at him. 

"P-pete?" Her voice was soft but not in a good way. Her breath was heavy.  A soft smile found a way onto her lips. 

"Oh what happened?" Pan was quick to ask. He gently got her out of the tree. 

"Pe-" she started before coughing. It had gotten way worse since he last saw her. 

A bit of blood came out. 

"Pete- I don't feel so good," she whispered. 

"YEah you don't look so good," he said back a bit frustrated. He carefully placed her head on hois shoulder and ran back to camp. 

**don't hate me please it's important for the story** 

He carefully placed her by the fire. Felix was still doing some task outside of camp and Scot was sitting somewhere with Rufio and Slightly. 

"Pete? I'm cold," She muttered. 

Pan put a hand on her head and spoke softly : "You're burning up Fee. What happened?"  

She tried to explain. 

"We- Scot and I were playing hide and seek. I hid." The trouble with breathing started acting up again. 

"We- umm. He," she took a few deep breaths. "He couldn't find me," she spoke. "I started feeling worse but I didn't think much of it."

a few tears escaped her eyes. 

"I'm scared," she muttered. 

Felix  strolled  back into camp his eyes searching for Pan. He had news about the savior. 

He spotted Fenix and rushed down to her. 

He looked at Pan. 

"What happened?!" His voice was stern and he left no room for debate. 

"She got sick," Pan answered him. "RUFIO!" Pan yelled. When Rufio finally got there Peter continued: "Go get the water! Fast!" He demanded. 

Pan looked calm and collected but in reality he was panicking. 

He didn't know what to do. The magic was runing out so they didn't have enough to save her. 

Felix gently picked his sister up. Her legs around his torso and her head on his shoulder. He gently moved as if he was stopping a baby from crying. 

It had been a long time since she cried and if he was as sick as her he'd probably cry too. He shushed her. 

Another lost boy came into the circle. He looked sick. 

"Peter?" He muttered before looking at him. He coughed. 

"Yes Dibs?" Pan looked at him. 

"Wiggly doesn't feel so good...." Dibs said. The child looked at Fenix. 'Is everything ok?' he mouthed and Felix ignored him. 

Dibs began to lead their leader to Wiggly. He was close to the same state Fenix was in. 

"He started feeling bad a few hunts ago, he didn't want to bother you," Dibs muttered. 

Pan looked at them both defeated. 

"You know you can come get me when you're hurt or sick." He smiled at them softly. 

Felix hidden little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now