3. Amriel Emlen

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Hello there!

Today we're looking at Amriel Emlen, a character submitted again by @Marina Novkov6. The rules stay the same from last time, and yeah. This also is pretty long (11 pages without my commentary), longer than the previous one, so I think we need a big snack for this. So get yourself a sandwich, fasten your seatbelts an lets go :D

[if I see something after my original question, I'll put the answer in [] directly under my question, though it didn't help making myself look like a fool ;P]

Fandom: An original universe

This universe contains two planets for mythical creatures–Eleira and Aleris. Each is then divided into a couple of kingdoms.

My OC is from the planet of Eleira, kingdom of Clembridge (one of vampires' kingdoms).

Vampires again? Ok, lets see what you do with that

This planet is inhabited by five species: Vampires, demons, ghosts and spirits, mermaids and sirens, and werewolves (and other animal-like creatures). The other, "sixth" species are humans, who came to this planet over some time.

What exactly is the difference between ghosts and spirits? Are ghosts the souls of the deceased and spirits some sort of creation by nature/god/incident that doesn't involve death of a living being? The difference between mermaids and sirens also is a little clouded, but I'd assume mermaids are somewhat peaceful and sirens are more of a thread to those who come near them.

The interesting aspect of this planet is that it has a specific style-a mix between the 19th century (like still using carriages), and the 21st century (like still having mobile phones).

Ok, interesting, this might lead to some things slightly contradicting themselves but we'll see how you work around it.

The planet is divided into various kingdoms for each species (except for humans).

How much do they interact with each other, and do they travel to other kingdoms? Or is heavily restricted to do that? If it is, I'd assume this is a plot-point. Interesting, I like it.

On the first half of it, there are kingdoms with queens and kings, and an Academy for every creature (including humans), on the other half, there are kingdoms for Gods and Goddesses, churches, and special church-schools, that are divided into a church-school for future monarchs (kings and queens, Gods and Goddesses), and a church-school for every other human\creature.

That's creative and very thoughtful, you don't necessarily get a picture of the educational system! I love it! :D


Inhabitants of Eleira need to serve the God\Goddess of their species.

Like Drow in D&D? Looks like it might lead into conflict, but also a good character background! :)


Most of the time, Gods and Goddesses stay inside of their castles, and rarely make public appearances.

Gods with actual permanent physical appearances? Nice, not seen often (at least not by me) so it's good

They only make them if (and this is also what duties they have to complete daily):

They have to speak with the kings and queens about any problems, or if there is a new-comer—it is Gods' and Goddesses' job to decide, whether or not the new-comer can stay, or solve a very serious problem, that the kings and queens can't solve

Why should a God say "no you can't stay sorry, bye"? But interesting concept, let's see what you make of it

When paying a personal visit to churches, to check if everyone stayed faithful to them

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