19. Lynxpaw

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Hello there! :D

[You can skip this part if you don't want to read more than necessary, it is a small apology on my part... for not posting. You can scroll down if you want to :) ]

Yes, I know, I myself am surprised I'm still alive. I'm so deeply sorry that I didn't post for so long, my brain just didn't let me do this as I wanted it to. I didn't forget you all, in fact I remembered at least once every two weeks... and felt very guilty for not keeping in touch with you all. I'm sorry, it was my mistake, but I can't promise that it will get better. I try my best to keep up with you all and your wonderful OCs, but please do expect to hear nothing from me for a while. Reallife is throwing me some curveballs at the moment, and if I'm not mistaken the next two years may be a little different structurally, and I'll have to adjust, and that takes time. I didn't forget you all, and I still am opening Wattpad almost every day in hope of seeing a new notification of you guys, a comment or anything, really. I just like interacting with you, and I know I'm not really doing my part at the moment. I'm sorry. I'm trying, but it isn't working out as I want it to. I'm sorry for my inconsistent upload-scedule. I'm sorry for not drawing the OCs for some of the previous chapters. I'm sorry for every mistake I've made so far, from spelling errors to not understanding what you meant. I'm sorry for taking so long. I'm sorry.

Now for the review! (Sorry for the whiplash everyone who read the previous paragraph) Todays character Lynxpaw was sent in by @xLettuceTheLeafwingx and yeah. That would be it, so lets start right in!

(Rules as always!)

[Yes this is a reupload, because Wattpad for some reason didn't get the message that I finally finished my commentary on this and just used the half finished version. I hope you can forgive me for that]

Full Name: Lynxpaw

Appropriate for an apprentice, and for a change I don't have to do research on names today which I appreciate :D

Gender and S/O: She/her, Lesbian

Noice (faint screaming: representatioooon!!!!!) (ALSO I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING ANYTHING IN PRIDE MONTH I KIND OF FORGOT BUT NOT REALLY SO I FEEL REALLY GUILTY (I'm so very sorry for my perpetual absence... T-T)) (so, VERY belated: Happy Pride Month everyone! :D)

Fandom: Warrior Cats

It's been a few years since I last was "active" in this fandom, but cool :]

Setting: Forest Territories (first territory)

I'm not quite familiar with this term, but I assume its the territories that the first few books take place in

Important Things For Fandom: Lynxpaw is an apprentice in the warrior cats universe.


Role In Story: She currently does have some writing about her, but it's all for an RP I'm in;

:O a Warrior Cats RP was indirectly the reason I joined Wattpad! Wow that took me down a trip memory lane... good times. I made friends there. I wonder how they are now

in all of those writings, she is the protagonist. I'll link them here: (They're old as fuck)

It's okay, you don't need to ;P

Species: Cat, Maine Coon x Norwegian Forest Cat Mix

Wow, those are two pretty big species as far as I know, so she'll be a really big individual once she's grown up

Age: 8 Months/Moons

I have dabbled in this fandom, but since this was very long ago, I'll just say that from memory this age seems about appropriate for an apprentice

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30 ⏰

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