6. Mo-Mochi Shibuto

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Hello there! :D

I wasn't expecting to post in such a short time again, but well. Here I am. Today we're looking at Mo-Mochi Shibuto, submitted by @MRDCMD. This also is a pretty short one, so get your biscuits, buckle your seatbelts, and we'll start right in!

Name: Mo-Mochi Shibuto

Momochi is a girs-name in Japanese and means "knowledge, understanding, arwareness" as far as I know, or something along the lines of "peach". This is the Japanese symbol for it: 桃知 and yeah.

Shibuto doesn't really exist, at least I wasn't able to find something. There is a noun in Japanese though which is Shibito, and it means something like "corpse, dead person" with this being the Japanese spelling: しびと and over all I'm a little concerned because of the meaning X]. It does however connect with his backstory, so I'll file this under "slightly obscure names which are weird for everyone but the protagonist, because in his case it is a summary of his entire being".

(Please don't ask me why the two Japanese names seemingly are in two different fonts, this is just the result of my research. I have no darned clue how the Japanese writing-system works, so please don't kill me if I did something wrong. If you do know better, please leave a comment with constructive criticism!)

Gender: Male

Why does he have a female name? I mean, I don't judge, but I ask because I'm curious. Did his parents just like the name?

Age: 12

That seems rather young. I mean, the typical age of The Young Hero usually lies between 13 and 17, but this case seems to fit into it as far as I can tell by now. Hopefully you make up for this, but let's see.

Race: Human?

Why the question mark? Is he part alien or something (and he finds this out in the later third of the story?)? Or is he actually a zombie (the thing with the name)?

Height: 4'11

About 1,21m in the decimal system, and wow. He is about 30cm (almost 1') too short for the average for his age! There are short people all over the world, and you usually see things (in stories) towards the taller end, so I'll accept it.

Hair Colour: Formally Black Now Pink

How? He lived in the forest for the past four years, and I'm not sure that a transformation this big is possible with nothing but natural resources very difficult, if not impossible. I said in another chapter that I wasn't able to find something to bleach hair, only to lighten it up using natural stuff. IF you were able to bleach hair, it might be possible to colour it with berry-juice or something, so this is not as improbable as the thing with bleaching, so yeah. Not very likely, but it looks cool.

Unless something about his illness changed parts of his DNA so that his hair for some reason naturally became pink.

So my overall opinion: What the heck. Does it have an explanation?

Occupation: N/A


Backstory: Born at age 776

Do you mean in the year 776? I don't believe his soul was at age 766 when he was born ;P ok, sorry for interrupting

Momochi was born and raised in a small town.

Ok, good and plausible

At the age of 8, he was diagnosed with an unusual illness that was destroying his body from the inside.

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