7. Morgan Cooper and Felicity Evans

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Hello there! :D

Today we're looking not only at one, but two characters, both submitted by @DaughteroftheOcean88. I decided to mash this into one chapter, though I did review them individually. I hope that's ok with you, and yeah. Get yourself a double whopper, a bag of Oreo doublestuffed or whatever you like that includes twice the "normal" amount, and we'll start right in!

(as always, semi-scientific commentary and done chronologically)

We'll start with Morgan Cooper, because I don't know.

Fandom: Pjo/HoH

A fandom OC! I haven't seen one of those since... since the first chapter if I'm not mistaken. So let's see what you do with this. (it's been a few years since I read the series, but I try to make up for it by researching)

Name: Morgan Cooper

The name Morgan is of Welsh origin and means "circling sea, white sea-dweller". By that I would guess that she is a child of Poseidon, but she isn't as we will see in a short while.

Cooper referred to someone who made barrels, so a normal last name.

Nickname: she absolutely hates nicknames, she's Morgan and only Morgan

Understandable, I mean, how would you shorten Morgan? Mor? Gani? Mo? Yeah, Morgan sounds best I guess

Age: 15

Ah yes, there we have it... the good ol' Young Hero/Protagonist thing. Since I remember pretty much all of the campers being teenagers, I'll let it pass.

Gender: female


Species: Demigod (daughter of Hygieia)

Now that is creative. Hygieia is the goddess of health, and this is honestly the first time I've heard of her. Good choice!

Appearance: Shoulder length straight dark brown hair with bangs, heart shaped face, mint green upturned eyes, average height

I think that this is plausible, just one thing: for me "mint green" is some sort of blueish green, and I don't believe that this is possible naturally. Well. I'll blame it on godly DNA, so for now ok.

Clothing: Leggins and T-shirts, always very clean. Sometimes wears a small silver anklet.


Personality: Outgoing yet fierce,

If you're energetic enough, this is by far not a case for "yet", but I see your point

very protective of her friends but seems a little harsh when you first meet her.

I know a few people like that, so also good and relatable

Responsible and doesn't like fooling around

Thumbs up

Flaws: don't trust easily, rather rude to strangers

Not impossible, and monsters can hide anywhere if I remember correctly. Might be a lifesaver.

Disabilities: ADHD and dyslexia

As goes for most demigods

Likes: everything healthy, organizing things

Maybe add some, like hobbies or something. In itself, good, but more usually like two more won't hurt

Dislikes: dirty stuff, people who insult her friends

Same as above, two more aren't deadly, and character depth mostly comes from relatability through hobbies, likes and dislikes

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