18. Raven Alistair

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Hello there! :D

Sorry it took me so long again, real-life unfortunately doesn't wait for me, as much as I want it to. But since you've been so patient, we should start right away. Todays OC is submitted by @Rathilluser and yeah. Let's dive in!

(rules as always; scientific questions, bookscience, chronological order)

Fandom - Not from a fandom but my original work. The name is The God's Game. I'll link the book.

If you leave a comment people can just click on your profile, and search for said book. If I remember (and real life doesn't get me in its hunt for me (please send help)) I'll read it myself – but for now I'll read what you have to tell me about this character.

Name - Raven Alistair

First name is rather obvious, it's Raven (for all of you who need to read that again), but Alistair isn't as obvious, but it is of Scottish and (checks again)... Greek origin. I mean, ok, cool, but Scotland and Greece aren't necessarily neighbours? Like they are about 3645 km apart from each other (that's about 2265 miles for all of you who use freedom units as I like to call them). Where does that connection come from? Intercultural connections are really not bad usually, but where on earth did they get that name from? It will remain a mystery to me, unless someone who is very knowledgeable in linguistics and the history of names explains this to me very slowly, because my brain is not as functional as it should be. Probably at least.

So, where was I? Ah, yeah, the meaning of Alistair. It means "defender of the people".

Nickname – Seagull, Captain Rae

Oh, someone whose life plays at sea! I don't think I saw a character with this background so far, so very interesting!

Age - 23

Good, though I'd go a little older. Funfact: in order to start a training as a shipwright in the like 17th or 18th century you had to be 20 (or was it 21?) or older, because it was a job with rather high risk of injury and just because it was physically exhausting and if you were any younger you weren't allowed to start your training. (Don't ask me why I know that. (Or, ask me, it just might take a while for me to explain why I needed that information))

Gender - male


Species - Human but a demigod in a sense?

Uh, ok interesting

One of his parent's ancestor was a legendary warrior who attained godhood

Oh, cool. Yeah I don't know a word for that either

Appearance –

183cm (I cant do that feet, inches sh*t)

Yeah you don't have to, I understand you nonetheless. Regardless of what measuring system is used, I always translate it with a converter (I literally google "Feet to meter" and I get the converter that is "build into" Google, so... yeah.) the only thing I can roughly translate without the internet is feet to meters (because that's easy enough for me), but as soon as it comes to inches I'm out lol

But aside from that, he's pretty much 6 ft tall

Black, neck length hair that is slightly curly. Usually wears it in a low tie.

He reminds me of one of my own OCs... but really good so far

Russet brown eyes

I think that's new, so yeah cool

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