12. Laqueta Quinn

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Hello there! :D

Today we're looking at Laqueta Quinn, a character submitted by @Stardust_in_the_Sea and it's again in the same universe (Pjo/HoO). I'm sorry it took me so long, I just wasn't able to do the drawing yet, I didn't like any of my previous attempts, so this kind of has to wait, but I didn't want to let you wait any longer. So let's start right in, shall we? [Edit: as you can see, I finally did the drawing and I'm totally not super late! :D (smiles in pain)]

(rules as alwaysss)

Fandom: Pjo/HoO

Good, as was before

Name: Laqueta Quinn

Laqueta means "the quiet one" and is of African American origin. Fits them very nicely, I think! And Quinn means either "Son of Conn" (from the name O'Cuinn; Conn meaning "chief leader" "intelligence" or "head"), or from a Latin origin meaning "a girl who is as pretty as two" or "essence".

Nickname: Queta

That sounds kind of cute, I like it

Age: 10

I mean, I do live for the thing with varying age and such, but... 10 seems a little young for one to be at the Camp? Aren't you usually like... maybe 13 when you get there for the first time? And do they fight? Because... a 10yo is one thing to handle. One with ADHD might be even worse sometimes.

Gender: Gender Neutral

I'm not quite sure if 10yos question their own gender to the point they give themselves a new label, but hey, possible, maybe. And REPRESENTATION MATTERS!!!

Species: Demigod (Child of Harpocrates – yes I know it's weird)

I was about to call bs on that one, but a quick google search showed: Harpocrates is the Greek god of silence. Where do you get these weird but creative ideas deities/godly parents? Because it for sure is very weird, but heck yeah creativity! :D

Appearance: Straight black hair that goes up to their ears, olive skin, round pale blue eyes, rosy cheeks

I believe "round pale blue eyes" was a description that you also used for Felicity, but I'll let it pass. Another thing I spotted, that I can't go on without asking: they have black hair, a slightly darker skin tone but still have blue eyes? Which explicitly are said to be very light of colour? I mean, it isn't impossible, just more unlikely, but I'd expect brown eyes, or at least green ones. Do they wear contacts? Or is it natural?

Clothing: Jeans and a t-shirt, often wears a zip up sweater and always has their rope coiled through one of her belt loops.

Nice, but one thing: how fast can they get that rope from there? And how long does it take to get it back there? A carabiner would be more practical I think, and there are some which are pretty small, so it might work...

Personality: teasing and fun, fools around a lot but is really helpful and kind despite their silly attitude

Ok good.

Flaws: They sometimes fails to take things seriously, causing them to get distracted which in a battle could cost them their life

That makes sense as well, just maybe add a few to both (personality and flaws), just for more depth

Disabilities: ADHD and dyslexia, mute

Makes sense to me, and a very good callback to their name and heritage.

Likes: Pranks, dancing, gymnastics

Yees. More than three things should be possible though, but it's a good start.

Dislikes: Formal things, small spaces, loud really noises

I'm repeating myself, it's good, though more won't hurt ;)

Powers: If they put their finger to their lips everyone in the nearby vicinity immediately falls silent. The effect last for about ten seconds bit can last longer if they really concentrate.

Is one second added to this the older they get? Like when they're 16 that the effect lasts for 16 seconds and so on?

Backstory: Their mom died when giving birth to them but they was adopted by their uncle

Dead parents again, is it... the concept is good, but too unoriginal for me to approve this easily

Family: Aasin Quinn (uncle) Mira Quinn (Aunt, deceased) Isabella Quinn (Mom, deceased) Harpocrates (dad)

Her Aunt is dead as well? Wow, female role models in their immediate surroundings really said no did they. Let her be alive, death is possible and sad, but it happened to so many OCs that it is unnormal.

Friends: Rachel Dare, Annabeth Chase, Felicity Evans, Morgan Cooper

I said what I think of canon characters, but I'm glad you took my advice on more OC friends, so plus points for that :D

Enemies: Laqueta argues with Clarisse a lot because they have very different fighting styles and Laqueta keeps replacing the land mines at the Ares Cabin with glitter bombs

...how do you argue if you're mute? Don't that, it's a really important part of their personality. [Edit [very long...] after OP pointed it out to me: sign language. I'm really stupid and very sorry I forgot about sign language.]

Other: They fight with a rope made from celestial bronze

Like a cowboy? Or more like a whip and therefore Indiana Jones Style? But good, you can so some serious damage with that if you know how.

So, we're through.

I can't really say they are the revolution of character building. There are some things that don't really add up or make not as much sense as they should. Arguing usually involves words, and getting your rope in a beltloop takes time and in battle isn't really handy. On the other hand, there are some really creative ideas there, Harpocrates and their powers for example. I'd say that with a little revision and more depth to them, you really can make something good with them. Keep going, you'll succeed, I believe in you!

They get 10 seconds of silence out of 1 screaming void of space.

So, FINALLY, I did the drawing, and here is what I did: I limited myself to a face portrait,  since all other tries somehow failed miserabley. I think I did everything about their appearance I could, and funny enough, but I actually had a hairstyle quite similar for some time lol. They are wearing the usual Camp Halfblood-shirt, and yeah. their rope served for a sick "frame" if you can call it that, and I think that's it. aquarelles as usual, and since I finally got my laptop to connect with the scanner the picture finally has a decent quality. I really hope you like it, you had to wait so long, and I'm deeply sorry for that. U-U

I hope to welcome you back next time!

See you soon!

And here, have a biscuit 🍪 :D

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