10. Neva Mary Summers

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Hello there! :D

So, I'm back with another review, after a week of not being able to do just that. Today we're looking at Neva Mary Summers, submitted by @Blitzpaw and yeah. I should start, before I forget how to do reviews ;P

(Same rules as always, semi-scientific questions, book science, chronological order (for the most part))

Name: Neva Mary Summers

The name Neva means "Snow", Mary is "of the sea" as we already saw a few chapters before this I believe, and Summers is self-explanatory. Seems a little contradicting, but names don't always have to have a super deep meaning.

Nickname/Alias: Mary Sue

Oh god. I hope that this won't be what she is all about, I still need my eyes... but let's see what you do with her, I try not to be prejudiced.

Age: 17

Towards the older edge of the Young Hero's Age, good, but still a little too ordinary.

Species: half god, half siren

What am I reading

Sexuality: Omnisexual

Omnisexual means that she is/can be attracted to people of any gender, just for clarification since this term doesn't come up too often, but good choice! Representation is KEY!

Fandom: original

...ok. What does your world look like then?

Hair Colour/Type/Length: shoulder length and curly burnt orange hair, with a single braid running down the face. The hair is pretty thick.

I don't know how original that hair colour is for an OC, I think many of them have red hair, but then again, it's hair. Maaaybe drive it back a little, but it's ok I believe.

Eye Colour/ Type: The eyes are large, and almond shaped,

... is there something you still wanna say? You don't usually end with a comma unless you still want to say something. What their colour is, for example. But since you said that later on, I won't rate this too negatively.

Strengths: works hard, can go on land, adaptive

And how does she transform? Does she have to, like, wait to dry? Can she do it willingly? How does it work? I mean, there has to be like at least some sort of reason or chain of events that has to occur if she wants to go on land. How long can she be there without needing to be in water? I assume you still have that thing, because I pretty much never have seen something going against nature like that without any consequences. You either have to get into (salt)water on the regular or you die a gruesome death, or you get your voice "stolen" by an evil seawitch and your legs feel like dipped in acid (or something) each time you take a step and if you don't convince your dream prince that you love him within the three days you can consecutively be on land you also die. (I'm not sorry for possibly ruining your childhood. Arielle is a nice movie, but the original story is obscured into nothingness and seafoam. I do have to warn you, the original is very gory and... maybe not entirely child friendly, but yeah. I hope this gets my point across.) THESE THINGS DON'T COME WITHOUT A CATCH.

Weaknesses: Neva tries to live up to other people's expectations of her and has low self esteem.

That is NOT healthy. I tried to live like this for a short time, saw how bad it was for me and just stopped. At the moment I'm by far not perfect, but trying to be someone you aren't is horrible. You don't have to do that. I'm here, for as long as you want me to be here. Don't crush yourself by wanting to be that possibly utopian version of you, because the harder you try, the harder the fall. I don't say you shouldn't try to improve yourself, healthy changes are great, but do them in small steps. Clean your room. Do a small jog around the blog. Sit down for ten minutes to focus on that essay you've been trying to write. I can't say I really know, but taking steps this small might be painstakingly angering because nothing seems to improve as fast as you want it to do. But it's alright. Believe me when I say that the slow approach isn't unlikely to be better in the long run. Better do five small steps, than one big one and breaking a leg; that's what we say here (at least I think we do). Be kind to yourself, don't go further than what you can do.

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