Wrong answer.

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"What the hell!" Karasu shouted as she was released from her marble and immediately dropped backwards, hitting a wood floor forcing her wings to open flatly behind and above her. "Bakugo?!" She looked up at him as she sat up to see he was standing barefoot a few feet away from her looking too deranged and almost excited- but behind that expression that was drastically too common for him, in his eyes was sheer terror, and then her gaze changed to see the League of Villains staring them down. "Shit." They were both in more danger than either of them had ever experienced before.

"So, what, you thought you'd persuade her if you couldn't persuade me?" Bakugo scoffed as he clenched his fists. "I knew you were all stupid, I didn't realise you were actual morons."

"No." Shigaraki smiled darkly, everything about him made every hair on Karasu's body stand on end. "She's Hawks' little sister. We have noticed that she has a particular talent for getting under your skin, so we thought we'd give you a chance to take your anger out on her." He stood up and took a few steps towards the two of them. "Or we'd make an example of her, to show the heros what happens when they're careless with their families." She could see one of his eyes peeking out from behind the disgusting preserved hand stuck to his face, its glint was bone chilling. She got the feeling he wanted Bakugo to refuse that offer, that he actually wanted to kill her himself for no other reason than spreading chaos and pain. He wanted to see her die by his dry, cracked hand. Even facing Stain, she'd never felt this close to death. Even when he'd stabbed her and she'd lost consciousness from blood loss. She genuinely felt as though she was a hair's breadth from dying in this moment.

Karasu's eyes widened and she scrambled back. "All that would do is make my brother hunt you down faster." she told Shigaraki angrily, trying to take a quick scan of the bar around them. This would be almost impossible for them to fight their way out of together. Almost. "You'd be signing your own death warrant." Bakugo wasn't someone who made it easy to work with him; but even he couldn't be stupid enough to pick a ridiculous and petty argument in the midst of what would be- if they survived and actually made it out- the most important escape event of their lives.

"I doubt that." Shigaraki advanced on them. "So, Bakugo? Would you like the opportunity?" He gestured from Bakugo to Karasu, his palm stretched out to face the students. His skin looked like sandpaper, like it was an old paper mache that hadn't seen sunlight in decades- but also somehow terrifyingly durable.

Bakugo looked down at Karasu for a moment and then turned back to Shigaraki. "You shouldn't have brought her," he snapped to Shigaraki. "Now you have no chance of getting out of here alive."

"Wrong answer." Shigaraki said to him and reached the same hand out for Karasu.

She remembered his quirk- if all five of his fingers touched something, it was turned completely to ash- it decayed in seconds. Fuck! was all she could think at that moment. Well that absolutely cannot be my last thought. She opened her staff and swung it up towards him, gritting her teeth furiously. It hit him across the bottom of his face, and he gripped the end of her staff tightly. The force of him stopping it almost hurt, and it began disintegrating immediately. Karasu released it just as quickly and tried to jump back and to her feet but there wasn't room enough for her to expand her wings without knocking Bakugo over, because the very last thing she needed was for any of his current anger to be directed towards her. Shigaraki took another step towards her and extended his now empty hand towards her again.

Just before Shigaraki could touch and decay her as well, there were three loud and rapid knocks on the door.

"Uh...I have a pizza delivery." a muffled voice announced through the door. It sounded... vaguely familiar. Hawks had sometimes worked with the police, and as such Karasu had met a few of them. She remembered her brother pointing one out to her who had a close working relationship with All Might, but that wasn't the voice she heard just then. Similar- but not exact. It could've come through via a speaker or radio. Based on the tense reactions of the villains in the bar, it definitely wasn't actually pizza anyone had been stupid enough to order.

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