Bakugo's a foodie?

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"You know how I can tell you didn't decorate this place?" Karasu joked as she walked upstairs with her brother in the PLA headquarters. They'd been specifically asked not to fly inside the headquarters, apparently people thought it made them seem 'sneaky'.

"I feel like I'm about to be roasted." Hawks sighed, looking down at her.

"The decor isn't painfully tacky." She grinned at him. She was palming her closed staff, it was the safest nervous habit she could have. People would think it was just her stimming, and not a manifestation of the terror she felt every waking moment.

I hate how scared she is, Hawks thought as he watched her. She puts on a brave face, and no one but me- well, maybe Shoto- would be able to see through it. I only asked her to do a work study with me because of this stupid mission, but she really does understand some of the finer points of hero work. Once all this is over, I need to make sure she knows I can see how talented she is. Also we're definitely going on vacation.

"You're late!" Twice was standing at the door. "Aw! You brought your sister! Raven! She's always so cheerful! She's an airhead, why do we bother with her?"

"Twice. Nice to see you, as per always." Karasu said with a smile. "Stay fly!"

That always made him laugh.

"I may be tacky, but you're a try-hard." Hawks teased his sister, nudging her.

"Well, duh. I am the top third student in my class." Karasu pointed out, letting her closed staff return to her bracelet.

"Alright- a status report." Hawks put his hands in his pocket as he walked into the conference room ahead of his sister, spreading his wings slightly so she stayed standing behind him. Nothing would probably happen here, but better safe than sorry. "Not much to report, really. While the HPSC suspects the League was involved in the whole Deika City thing, but they got no idea about any of this."

Karasu shrank slightly behind her brother as he spoke with the villains. Dabi was watching her carefully, his eyes almost glowing in the dark. I wonder if the turquoise eyes are a fire quirk thing, she wondered, Endeavor has them and Shoto has the one. The shade is almost exact. It could also be because his flames are blue, I guess, especially with the way they're glowing all creepy like in the shadows.

"Why is she here? Don't we want to kill her?!" Twice exclaimed as Hawks turned for them to leave. "No! She's so useful now! Our direct link to the silly hero students!"

"Those silly hero students don't seem to have grown much." Dabi said from behind his screen.

"Well, you are talking about highschoolers." Hawks pointed out.

"Hey!" Karasu gave him a look.

"She's here because she recognises our cause," Compress said nobelly, "and we recognise her usefulness- and her loss." His prosthetic arm clicked.

"Besides, our desire to kill her was to hurt Hawks." Spinner pointed out. "We no longer want to do that."

"Let's hope it stays that way." Dabi said coolly, looking back up at the siblings.

"It will." Karasu responded before walking out of the room.

"What she said." Hawks said with a smile as he followed his sister. There she is. I know how terrified Kara must be- but she still has that spark in her. Like when she found me again. The memory is one of my favourites- apparently, she had found an old photo our mother had hidden of me in Mom's attic. Kara had found it while searching around the house for something to do. I knew that feeling well. Before the commission had basically bought me from our mother, my childhood was filled with nothing but desperately searching for something to do and abuse. After what Kara told me was months of pestering, Mom had told her that the HPSC was raising and training me. At eight, she managed to track down the house they were having me live in. She'd used the 'frenzy' part to her quirk- something that had only manifested that year at that point- to make sure the guards didn't notice her as she slipped in to see me. "It's you! My big brother!" She'd been jumping up and down excitedly when she'd found me in the living room, playing whatever handheld video game the HPSC had given me for my fifteenth birthday. "I saw your picture and Mom said you're gonna be a big strong hero! A hero with wings, it's so cool! My hero big brother!"

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