I love you.

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          "Oh, Monoma. I don't suggest you talk to me today." Karasu said bluntly as they walked up the pathway to the faculty dorms. "I'd hate to get detention for giving you a black eye."

"You're so ridiculous!" Monoma tossed his hands into the air. "We were in a match! I had to say what I could to avoid you putting me in that cage!"
"And now Todoroki and I both have a major issue with you. Hope the loss was worth it." Karasu gave him a curt smile before walking ahead of him as Eri, Togata, and Midoriya exited the building. "Eri!" She grinned when she saw her, ruffling her hair. I can never let Hawks know I did that.

"Oh no! Him!" Eri hid behind Karasu, pointing at Monoma.

"What? Why is this child saying this?" Monoma exclaimed in his usual annoying dramatic fashion.

"I told her you were one of the bad parts of UA." Togata responded.

"You just became my new best friend, Togata." Karasu smiled contentedly.

"Uh... So, why is Monoma here?" MIdoriya asked as Aizawa walked up to him.

"I wanted to see if he could help us with training Eri." He explained, nodding for all of them to walk inside. "Let's go."

Karasu took Eri's hand as they walked up the stairs.

"Where's Shoto?" Eri asked as they walked back into the living room.

"He has special classes today, his last one." Karasu informed her. "As long as he passes. Which he definitely will."

"Is this a special class?" Eri looked from Karasu to Midoriya to Togata.

"I don't think so. I'm still a little confused as to what's happening." Togata said as he looked over at Aizawa and Monoma.

"I wanted to see if Monoma could copy Eri's quirk. If he can, he can train with it- which will make it easier to train her." Aizawa explained.

"Is that safe?" Karasu frowned slightly. "For either of them?"

"The idea is to make it safe." Aizawa told her. "That's also why I'm here. If it were to become unsafe, I can put a swift stop to it."

Eri looked up at her three heroes again.

"It's okay." Izuku promised her. "Monoma's safe."

"He's a jerk, but he isn't dangerous." Karasu muttered, tugging at the end of her braid. She watched the interaction carefully. Monoma grew Eri's horn- but the power wouldn't activate. "We shouldn't have done this," she sighed and shook her head. "It'll make her feel guilty, like this is her fault." She said quietly to Togata.

"I'm sorry." Eri said sheepishly, hanging her head down. "I don't mean to keep letting everyone down."

"You aren't letting anyone down." Midoriya told her quickly, kneeling in front of her.

          "Hey, I've been meaning to ask." Togata turned to face Karasu. "How's training been going for you?"
"Slow." Karasu sighed, rubbing her right shoulder. "There is... a lot that I just can't do anymore. Hawks said he wants me to try one more prosthetic, so I said I would on the condition that if this one blows up I can hit him with my staff. I'm almost hoping."

Togata laughed. "I know what you mean- it can be hard to find the positives when you lose something so major. But, we gotta!"

"Otherwise we drown." Karasu smiled at him, and gave him an awkward fist-bump when he held his hand out for one.

Monoma looked over at them. His expression wasn't one Karasu had seen on his face before- it was guilt. He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly and turned away from them. Good, Karasu thought, he should feel guilty. What he said to me yesterday was insanely out of line... even for training.

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