No proofread:

Seok smiled at them and bowed slightly
" Nice to meet you all ... "

Yoongi had his eyes wide and breath hitched.... The air he just took in ..stuck inside his chest ...
Like he'll die eventually if he lets them go ..

In front of him was standing someone he admired every time ... someone he loved ... Someone he missed...and someone he lost ..

How can it be possible!?? Hoseok was no more..!!! They all saw him leaving... Then how's he standing in front of them ??!!

Yoongi was in shock...but Jungkook... He already had tears in his eyes... His bottom lips wobbled .. and a quiet sob left his lips ..

And before anyone could register... He ran towards Seok and in a blink of a moment... he hugged him so tightly..

His fragile hands wrapped around Seok's waist and his face buried in the elder's stomach....

Who had gotten his eyes wide by this sudden stunt ..

Jungkook tightened the hug and cried..
"A ..appa.!!! Please I'm sorry..your Kookie's sorry... I should've chosen my words wisely.. I shouldn't have shouted at you... please forgive me.. i.. it's so difficult to live without you.. it's so difficult... Please don't leave me .. please.... I'm sorry.." and the rest of his words muffled..

Everyone looked at him in Shock.. Seok was hesitate ..he wanted to console the younger.. but didn't know Why.. his heart ached when he saw the boy crying..

He gulped and looked at his Boyfriend... Who had a frown on his face ..
And then at Yoongi ...who was looking at him with the same shock ...

He sighed and softly caressed the boy's smooth hair.. at which he stopped crying... after a while... .. Only a few sobs , leaving his lips ... And soon enough his sobs died down in only sniffle

"You okay kiddo !!??" He softly asked his honey raspy voice ..

Jungkook nodded slightly...and looked up him .. the tip of his nose and ears were turned bright red in colour..

Seok giggled And sat on his knees... "You're so cute .... What's your name ?!!"

Jungkook frowned and looked at him ... But seeing his bright eyes and warm smile.. eventually brings a smile on his face ..

"Min Jungkook!!" He said in his little voice ..

"Such a brilliant name for a brilliant boy like you... Well, little kook .. I think you've misunderstood me with someone else...
I'm Jung Seok ... I'm not your Appa!!" He said with a nervous chuckle....

Jungkook frowned and shook his head.."NO! you're my Appa... You're exactly the same... I know you ...and your hug's exactly like you!!" He panicked...

Seok looked at him in confusion and then at Yoongi who came back to his senses and cleared his throat..

"Kook .. he's not your Appa .. So behave well , Son .. and say sorry..." He turned towards Seok and shuttered " I...I'm really sorry... You look exactly like his Appa .. so he misunderstood you.. we're sorry for the behaviour..!" He bowed slightly

"HEY!! Come on Mr. Min.. it's not a big deal !! Please don't do that!!" Seok stood up and bowed instead..

"Yah!! We have sensitive hearts .. it's okay Mr Min.. he can stay with Seok ... Hey .. Seok go ... take the kids in their room ..they look tired ... I'll show you your room Mr. Min.. " Denial said and Showed Yoongi his way ...

Seok nodded and looked at Jungkook " let's go .. have some rest.. it'll feel good .. hmm come" he held his hand .. and looked at V .. motioned him to follow with a bright smile..

Both kids followed him ... Jungkook was Helding his hands ... Sticking close to him .. so that he can't lose him again .. and V was Helding his other hand... Feeling that sense of protectiveness and motherly love once again in their life...

Yoongi looked at them until they went upstairs... Denial looked at him and smiled

"Come on Mr. Min ... Here .. let me show you your room .."

"This room smells nice !!" V said while inhaling the smell of Jasmine filled the whole room ...
Seok adjusted the pillow and giggled

"Really!!?? Thanks.... Actually I'm smell I prefer to have a new and amazing fragrance around me..!" He motioned both boys to sit on the bed ..

That was a king size bed ...and Jungkook passed a small smile before sitting on the edge of the bed ...

V giggled and said " actually... Jungkook is smell sensitive as well ..and I know he's loving this smell!!" He looked at Jungkook...who looked down on embarrassment..

" this Y...Your room???" He hesitatly asked

"Yes..!" Seok says sitting on his knees in front of him ...on the floor and held his little palms ....

"Are we staying in this room with you?!!" V asked in a shock ..

"Yes ..if you're comfortable then.." Seok shrugged and nodded.

"I... I mean.. won't you feel strange?!" Jungkook asked and he and V shared a look before looking at Seok again...

"You know... I understand..the pain of losing any parent .. " he smiled sadly

"it's hurtful.. and if it's your Appa ..then it's hell painful!!"

There was a pause for a while before Seok decided to break again....

" And I know ... You're the son of Jung Hoseok right??!"

He asked with a sad smile... And Jungkook nodded with a frown

"How'd you know?!!" V asked in curiosity

"He was my Twin !! "  He said with a fond smile and slight tear in his eyes

"My Hyung !! My Hoya!!"

Tears ...that was threatening to come ..
But he controlled them ...
As he promised his hyung !!

Not to cry !!


Sorry guys.. for late update!!

But updates will be slow for this week ..... But I'll promise you there will be boom of updates....
And longer chapters...

So tell me in advance...
What'd you want in upcoming chapters


Till the next update.. see you buddies
Take care..💕

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