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V shook Jungkook rapidly who whined and pushed his hands away...

"Urgh!! What a pig !!! Hey wake up idiot..  it's important!!" V whisper yelled at Jungkook who clicked his tongue in response....

Jungkook opened his eyes so lazily...
"What?!!! Can't you just sleep peacefully... And let me sleep with peace as well !!" He whined and was about to turn to sleep again when V held his shoulder....

"Listen to me !! It's important ..!!!"

"We can discuss that tomorrow!!" Jungkook tried to free himself...

"It's about Seok !!" V said in a panic in his voice ....

Jungkook's eyes snapped open at the particular name...  He raised his brow in a frown and sat straight...

"What about him??!!"

V bit his bottom lips and peeked towards the door.... Checking if anyone's coming...  He sighed and turned to him once again...

"Listen kook ...  Something isn't right!! With him and his boyfriend!!"

"You mean Mr. Denial ??!!"
V nodded and held his hands

"I was sleeping peacefully and felt a soft kiss on my forehead.... I knew it was Seok so I let it be and tried to sleep again.... But after a while I heard the door opening and yelping of Seok ... so I woke up... "

Jungkook frowned more and looked at him with a confused look ..

"But how's that related to his boyfriend??!!"

V rolled his eyes "idiot.. it was him .. it was Mr Denial...who opened the door... He whispered something to Seok...and held his wrist and dragged him outside....!!"

Jungkook didn't know why but suddenly a feeling of anger built up in his mind ..

"I followed them ... I wasn't meant to listen to their conversation... But when I saw Mr. Denial slapped Seok ..  I froze!!" .

"Wait!! Did he slap him ??!! I mean you saw that?!" Jungkook asked in utter disbelief...

V nodded "yes ... I saw him .. and the strangest thing I felt was that..Seok was calling him Sir .. over and over... Not just a slap ..  Denial was saying something... I couldn't  hear what he said ... but one thing I know for sure is .... That must have been humiliating... I can feel that sad tears in Seok's eyes..."

Jungkook gritted his teeth..." How can he do something like that.... I'll kill him .. !!" He was about to step out of the bed .. when V slapped on the back of his head

"Ouch!!! Hey!!what was that for?!!" Jungkook snapped back at him

"I didn't say this to you... To react this way ... Think rationally for once...  What can you do without any proof stupid.. ??!!"

Jungkook rubbed the place where he just got hit and pouted ...

"Idiot bunny!!" V mumbled while shaking his head

"Don't call me that!!!" Jungkook shouted...

"Yah yah !! Sure !! Now listen... Denial was telling him to do something.. I couldn't hear what .. but that was something Seok didn't wanna do that's for sure.. Denial grabbed his jaws so tightly...and his wrist as well ... It must have left marks ...!!!" V completed

Jungkook felt a pang in his heart... A strange feeling of protectiveness formed in his heart and ... From the very moment..he started hating Denial....

"W... What do we do now??!" He asked...

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