Hoseok's POV:

My eyes went dry due to excessive crying. It's hurting badly . Not just my eyes, my head as well .

I'm tired and all I want now is to wrap myself in a soft blanket and let my tired self sleep in a very deep sleep.

That no one will be able to wake me up.  And as far as I know no one will .

Cause I'm an orphan. I don't have a family. I have no one whom I can say mine.

Gosh! I am in a deep sadness and my mind isn't helping at all. If anything It's only making it worse .

I sighed and let my head fall backward . I had my arms wrapped around my knees and I was sitting on the cold floor of the kitchen.

I stayed in that state for a while. Not caring if I'll get scolded for not making food on time . Not caring if Daniel will beat me in front of our guests.

After all I'm a whore who deserves all this ... Right??!!

I was so lost in my thoughts when I felt a feather like soft touch on my cheeks . Someone wiped off my tears . My eyes shot open and I was met with those black shining cat-like eyes who always successfully stole my heart.

He looked at me as if ....

He's looking at Hobi?!!

I shrugged the thought away and jolted up
"I...I.. I'm sorry sir !! I... k...know you have a meeting and I'm about to make breakfast...it .. it's almost ready ju...."

He shushed me by placing his fore finger on my dry lips and didn't that make my heart flustered??!! Oh God!!

It surely did..!

There was pin drop silence in the kitchen and neither of us decided to break it. I wasn't in a state to even utter a single word.

He softly removed his finger from my lips and held my hand delicately. My heart was beating at a marathon speed.  I felt my strength lost and my knees weakening.

God!! Why is his mare touch enough to turn my existence upside down .

He held my finger that had the cut and looked at it . And I saw a clear pain in his eyes as well. Only then I noticed how deep that cut was and how much I blead . 

He hissed when examined my finger and opened the first aid box he fetched while coming to me .

He drenched the cotton with antiseptic and looked at me .

"It'll hurt a lot.  So please don't mind and be prepared!"

I looked at him . His words surely get in my ears but I never heard them . I was so lost in those caring black eyes who were.....

"Oh God!!!hissss!! " I cried when the cotton touched my wounded skin .

It hurt like hell . And now I understood what he meant when he said to be prepared.

I shook my other hand and he looked at me and chuckled lightly. I had my eyes clinched and a look of pissed off on my face . I must have looked funny .

He carefully damped another cotton drenched in antiseptic. And I couldn't stop but held his shoulders for support.

I clinched his shoulders and then he bent towards my fingers. His lips were inches away from my fingers and he blew some air to them to lessen the pain .

I felt a shiver run down my spine. And a strange feeling forming in my stomach. 

After cleaning the wound he carefully applied the medicine on it and wrapped my finger in a bandage.

And then he looked up at me ..
"So ..here you go !! You should always dress your wound before doing anything and why were you so careless while working!! Huh??!"

I didn't reply , just blinked my eyes .  He sighed and held my rough hand in his comforting one and pulled me upwards.  I squeaked by the sudden act and lost my balance.

I got imbalanced and held him for support. And when I understood the situation, my face was buried in his shoulders and hands holding his build arms for support . And his large and strong hands resting on my waist. Giving me support.

I looked at him directly in the eyes and for a second I saw exactly the same excitement in his eyes.

But this was wrong!! Right??!!

I quickly removed myself from his euphoric embrace and cleared my throat

"I.. I'm sorry!!"

I apologized and wait !! Why's my face red ?!! Why am I feeling hot suddenly!!

He chuckled and nodded before going towards the stove and resumed what I stopped in mid ..

"I... it's okay !! I can manage !! I'll make it !! You're the guest .. please don't make me more embarrassed. "

I tried to take the spatula from his hand but he smiled and held my shoulders.

"It's okay!! Your finger is wounded. And it's only good to take help when you need it !"

I was scared. If Daniel got to know about this I'll be dead meat the very next second.

I gulped and was about to say something but nothing came out of my pathetic mouth.

Urgh!!  Why am I like this??!

I opened and closed my mouth several times.
And he looked at me with a raised brow and chuckled just after . Maybe he understood my situation.

"It's okay .  Don't Worry Daniel got a call from a friend of his and he went to her.  So no need to worry he won't know!!"

I suddenly felt hurt.  Again??!!  He again went to her ?!! Why??!! I'm his boyfriend....  Then why don't he come to me if he wants anything.

Am I really not enough. But those people used to say I'm good in only one thing. And that's that .

I know I might not be the best . But yah ! I'm still preety.

I know that for sure ! Atleast I've heard people complimenting my brother. And Yoongi still loves him . He was pretty then I must be pretty as well??!! Right??!!

Then why didn't he come to me ??!! He could've asked to me , okay not asked atleast he can inform me and I'll be ready just like how he wants. In that state.

But why didn't he ?? What's wrong in me ??!!why don't anybody loves me??! Am I that ugly?? But that would be disgrace to my brother who was beautiful!!

"You okay??!" Yoongi asked me when he found me lost in thought.

I flinched and looked at him . He was still busy in cutting the vegetables. I looked at him for a brief and gather the courage to ask

"Was Hobi beautiful??!"

He stopped in mid and looked in front of him with the most beautiful smile he have .

And with a fond nod he said ..
" breathtaking beautiful!"

Even though he complimented my brother. But still I managed to convince my heart it's same about me .

He complimented me as well !!

Geez!! Seok you're really pathetic!! Now you're stealing your brother's compliment as well .!!!!.

But  why don't anybody say these to me !!?? Why no one compliment me .. !!?? When will Daniel understand my beauty and say these words to me ??!

Or will he ??!!


How are you my precious readers??!! 🥺❤️

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