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Yoongi's eyes were wide open and tears flowing from them.

He felt betrayed and hurt, it was not someone else but his dad!! Who gave him the most painful wound, who gave him the more hurtful betrayel !!

Yoongi used to worship his dad for his whole life, he used to think of him as someone who just went through a lot but have the most beautiful heart.

But no, He was wrong!!

His father was a monster....
A person who distroyed countless innocent lives just for his benefit.

Who killed so many lives just for proving himself right.

And one of those innocent lives were his Seok!!!

His lover!!!

Yoongi was frozen at his spot unable to even move a muscle.

Hoseok looked at him with sad eyes, he knew Yoongi would be hurted!!

After alll Yoongi's father had a very special place in his heart!!

And now when his truth was revailed, Yoongi would be broken to the hell.
But Hoseok knew Yoongi need to know the truth.

And that's why with a sigh he begain...

"Your father lied to you, he pretended Seok's death in front of you so that you won't be able to help him.
And then he sent him to bothel!!"

Yoongi looked up at him with shocked eyes.
His words got stuck  in his throat.

"W...W....What??!!" His voice was as week as a dried leaf.

Hoseok himself felt sad at his state but  it was necessary for Yoongi to know all the truth and that's why he continued with a nod.

"Seok was sent to that place because he was beutiful, fragile and the most important...

He had the power to heal soneone!!"

Hoseok himself felt tears flowing from his eyes.

"He was so young when all of this happend to him, he had gone through a living hell when he was there.

People hurting a young boy almost like their son's age, only to give pleasure to themselves.

You know Yoon.. It was the same time when I was with Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung.
And even though they tried to make me happy... my connection with Seok used to tell me he's in pain.
A lot pain!!

Days went like weeks, weeks went like months!! Seok waited for you, a little hope alive in his heart that you will come to save him one day!!

Every single time when someone hurted him he prayed to the god only for you!!

But then again...

You didn't know about all of his sufferings.

That's when Jimin came in your life...
A dance major in your University!! And since he was more likely to Seok in behaviour...

You started to find Seok in him, and at some point you did.. you did find your Seok in him.

And you both shared a beautiful relationship. But when Jimin left you as well....
Your mind couldn't take it and you damaged yourself a lot back then.

I was serching for Seok and completing study as well when I met you!! And guess what??!!"

Hoseok chuckled sadly," I was exactly like Seok!! And I helped you to get healed... but then again I was never ment for you...
Maybe in other life I was, but not in this life!!
And that's why I also had to leave you.

I tried a lot.... I did so many wrong thing so just I can be with you and our son...

I set Jimin with Taehyung!! Jimin just had a simple crush on him, it was me who convenced him to love Taehyung Hyung!!

I even tried to get both of them, Jimin and Seok ...out of your head and in order to do that I never let Danial reach up to you.."

Yoongi frowned at the name mentioned by Hoseok....

What does Danial has to do with this??!!

"Danial saw Seok in the bothel and he recognised him.
after all you both were the most gossipable couple in high school.

He paid so high and bought Seok, only to handly him back to you and get a good amount of money from you but Only if I let him met you....

Seok would have been with you....
But I was so blinded with possesiveness that I didn't tried to find my brother.

I not only cheated god but cheated you and my brother as well.

And that's why I need to go .... to do atonement for my sin..

And you are the only one who can help me to do so .... please Yoongi let me go....
Let me go from your heart!!!
Let me go from your life!!!
Let me go from your world!!

I hope we'll meet in other world, other dimension with another story.

But until then,
Let me go from your memory...!!!"

Yoongi eyes widened and felt the same fear creeping him once again.

His body instantly tried to hold Hoseok but failed when the said boy started to disappear...

Tears flowed from his eyes like a waterfall, and called his name several times.

Hoseok just gave him a sad smile and said,

"Take care of my Hyung Yoongi!!! He had gone through a lot just give him all the happiness he diserve from now on.... you're the only one for him...
And he's the only one for you!!!"

And with this Yoongi saw a very bright light in front of him that made him close his eyes but he quickly opened his eyes and shouted,


Yoongi's cried died down and now he was just sobbing, a broken boy crying over his fiance's death.

It's been a while since Hoseok left him, and this time maybe for ever...

Yoongi knew he got his memory back... and now he had to think what to do now....

Not after a while he heard few voices calling his name and he instantly recognised them,

It was Jimin, Taehyung and Namjoon.

Jimin was the first one who saw him and ran towards him. He sat in front of him and cupped his face,

"H...Hey Yoongi!! You okay??!! What happened??!!" He asked in a concern voice.

Yoongi looked at him and cried once again,

"I...I'm Sorry Jimin!!! I'm sorry.... for hurting you.... sorry for betraying you.... sorry for letting you go!!"

Jimin frowned and looked at Taehyung who shrugged as well and then Jimin turned to Yoongi,

"You don't need to be Sorry Yoon!!
I agree you hurt me...but I hurted you the most.
I agree you betrayed me but it was me who betrayed you first.
I agree you let me go but see I got to meet Taehyung only after that !!
You don't need to appologies, if anything I should thank you for all this !!"

And with this they grabbed each other in a beautiful, pure,  embrace filled with love.

After a while when they saperaed Yoongi wiped his tears....he knew what he had to do know..

"Let's go ... we need to find Seok first!!"

And each one of them smiled bright when Yoongi said those words,

"I guess ... we've got our old Yoongi back!!" Seokjin said with a light chuckle.

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