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" Just wait for me Love! I will be there!!"

"Y...Yoongi .. y..you promise that??!! Right??!"

"Yah! I promise . I will be there on time"

"P.. please be...the..there I...I'm afraid of this place"

"Y...Yoonie ... I beg you ... please don...don't leave"

"Y...Yoonie... they'll kill me.... p..please save me !"

"Help me ..please !! M..master.. help me !! Please save me!!"


Yoongi jolted up from his sleep. Sweat dripping down from his forehead. He huffed and gasped to catch the breath. It felt like someone chocked him up. The voice that he just heard sent an uneasy feeling inside his whole mind. Those voice were so real , like ..... like someone was in pain and was calling him to help! But the real question was ..... who????!!

"Good morning Mr.Min !!" Yoongi looked towards the door and found Seok standing there with a tray in his hand and a beautiful smile plastered on his face .
That smile instantly calmed down his nerves and yoongi flashed a smile in return.

"Good morning Seok!!! You here??!"

"Yah! Actually V told me you guys are going to meet his parents so I thought to offer you your morning coffee!!"

He showed him the coffee mug placed on the tray. Yoongi chuckled and took the mug," Thanks a lot!"

"My pleasure!" He replied with a smile. Yoongi took the sip of warm coffee and unconciously his eyes travelled on seok's face that was looking all over his messed up room. Yoongi unknowingly stared at his pale and thin body and then at his eye bags. He was looking so tired and weak. Yoongi noticed the look of uncomfort in his eyes and noticed the mess he created last night only to search his files ," Oh! Umm... I know you must be disguested.... I'm sorry ... actually I've never been a neat freak and I'm very bad at finding things"

Seok looked at him and chuckled slightly, "No, nevermind it's all okay. Actually it's just I'm a neat freak and always wants to place everthing in right order. if you don't mind , should I clean it all."

Even though he was asking but the despiration was clear in his eyes ..... and Yoongi gave in ...he gave his consent to the younger. Seok smiled and started picking up the clothes from the ground. Yoongi was in daze when he saw how elegently he was working.

Picking up everything that was misplaced and placing them where they belongs. It was such a simple act but it left Yoongi in amusement.

Jsut how asthetic one can be !!

" Done!!" Seok said , a bright smile decorating his beautiful face.

"If you don't mind can I ask you something??!" Yoongi asked and smiled when the younger nodded in agreement

"Yah sure!!"

"How did you and Daniel met??!" Yoongi swear he saw all the colours fade away from seok's face. His smile that once was reaching his eyes was no were in sight now. He saw the younger's eyes slightly widened and felt him lost in some thoughts or say bad memories.

"You ...okay seok!!??" He asked and placed his hand on the younger's which was strangly cold

"Yah...Yah!! Sure .... I'm... f..fine..!" He said with a fake smile and sighed .

"W...We met ..um...at my highschool time.. he was...my senior...and we fell in love ..." he said in hurry and fake happiness.

Yoongi wondered why was his behaviour so strange , how can a love story disturb someone and the fear that he just saw behind those beautiful brown eyes why was it for?! Was there anything that was disturbing him?! Anything he was afraid of??!

But before he could ask anything to the younger they heard the room's door swung open revealing Denial with an strange expression .

He looked at Yoongi and then at Seok and raised his brow , "Oh look at this.. was searching for my 'boyfriend' all way along and found him here!! In the room of Min Yoongi!! What are you doing here Seok...??!! Ugh ..... I see ... serving yourself ???!!.... i mean serving morning tea ??!!"

Seok's eyes instantly watered and he stood up ... the burden of this humilation was just too much .... !! He felt like a stupid to even think of having respect in front of anyone because Denial was determined to crush his little selfrespect he built. And now this was humiliating a lot and Seok felt himself crying at the state he was in ..

"You know what .... you shoyld respect your loved ones... and right now he was just serving me my morning tea nothing else..." Yoongi defended the younger ..

"I see !! Well Mr. Min there's a car waiting for you outside .. Mr. Kim sent the vehical to bring you and kids ... they all are waiting for you .... so why not get ready and come downstairs ... ??!!" Denial said and gave him a flat smile before looking at Seok with a fierce look .
"Until that moment I have something to talk to my boyfriend !!let's go Seok ..." and with this .. without wasting any time he grab Seok's hand rather harshly and drag him outside..

Yoongi heard the hissing sound from the younger ... but couldn't stop him ...

And the very next moment ....he was left in the room all alone ....he sighed and went to change with the aching feeling still present in his heart ...

After like half an hour later Yoongi was standing at the entrence of the house ... he saw at his front where there was standing a car and V sitting inside the car laughing and talking to the driver and Jungkook beside him sulking ....

He looked at them and took steps towards them. .. he was standing near the car door and looked at the house once again. ..

Ever since Denial took Seok away he hadn't seen the younger... and was feeling a strange sense of uncomfort in his heart ... even though he knew Seok will be fine but unknowingly his heart wasn't feeling the same ...

He sighed and sit inside the car with a heavy heart ....and soon enough the car stated moving ...

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