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Seok smiled as he looked at the sleeping figures.... Jungkook and V... Both of them were peacefully sleeping in the embrace of each other..

He felt very warm feeling inside his heart ......

He always loved children... And despirately wanted to have one ...but in his 10 years long relationship...which wasn't even like a relationship, he wasn't allowed to have any wish ..

This relationship was only because.. Denial owned him....!!

Denial helped him when he needed that help the most ... But he himself didn't know since when the person who appeared in his life as his strength, as a saviour... Become a predator.....
His worst nightmare..

When he got to knew about his long lost brother's child ...he felt himself crying...

He losted his brother...his everything .. his Hobi at a very young age ..and now when he's seeing his nephew... That was a strange feeling...

Strange but in a good way ...

Seok caressed his hair ... softly... It was clear that the boy didn't have proper sleep since a long time ...

His eyes bags states that clearly... And now when he's sleeping so peacefully.. it's so relaxing ... The boy was finally able to breathe properly...

Seok smiled and bent slightly to kiss on thier foreheads..

He slowly pecked on V's forehead.. who pout and snuggled closer in Jungkook's embrace.. Seok giggled and gave a sweet peck on Jungkook's forehead...
His lips stayed touched to his forehead for a while...

Feeling that sense of calm full love and care forming in his heart... Seeing Jungkook remindes him of his brother...
Jung Hoseok...

Seok sniffed and wiped off the fallen drop of tear ....he stood up and smiled a little,and turned around towards the door....

He was about to open the door when someone opened the door in a swift motion.... He yelped at the sudden act and backed away... It was Denial...

"I need to talk to you about something" he held his wrist tightly and whispered in a low voice... And without waiting for his response Denial dragged him outside...

Seok hissed.. "Sir .. you're hurting me ... please leave my wrist...!!" He complaint...

But before he could register his own words ..a harsh slap landed on his face ... His face turned towards the side and the stinging pain now covered his whole cheeks...

"How dare you talk back me??!! Huh??!! Have you forgotten your place... Bitch!!" He grabbed his jaws tightly. .

Seok whined at the pain and tried to struggle free from his grip.

"S...Sorry sir..." He winced and bit his lips to stop himself crying " I won't talk back Ever again...!! I'll know place"
Seok felt humiliated... And the tears of humiliation falling from his eyes...

He wasn't afraid of the pain he was having in his jaw ... By the tight grip ...but the pain of his dignity crushing down in front of his eyes was more dreadful..

But he was used to it ... He knew it's his destiny.... He have to endure it...

"Nevermind!!" Denial sighed and left him ... Seok cupped his jaws ...and close his eyes.. to suppress his cry...

But Denial held his arms tightly this time ..

"Listen here bitch!!! Well ... We both knows ...Mr. Min's husband..maybe was familiar to you. ...and now his son wants to be near you. ... As he feels that motherly Feeling maybe ...  And this is an opportunity for us to achieve what we want..." Denial smirked evilly...

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