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"V!!! My baby!! How're you???!!" Jimin exclaimed in joy as soon as he opened the door.

V chuckled and embraced his Appa and snuggled his face in the crook of his neck, "Tired!!! I missed you Appa!!! Where's Dad??!!" He asked as soon as he saperated.

Jimin narrowed his eyes and huffed, "Missed me and searching for your Dad !! Wow!!"

Both of them chuckled and Jimin embraced his son once again.

Jimin smiled and lifted his head and looked forward only to hang back when he looked at the person standing in front of him, passing him a sweet smile.

For few brief minutes, all the moments he spent with the elder scrolled through his mind.

The laugh they had together, the oath they once took, the memories they made and the love they used to cherish.

It all once again brought his dead wound alive.

He looked at that smiling face who once used to be his life, his everything.

A wet chuckle left his lips as he wiped the single tear fallen from his eyes, he looked at Yoongi once again and smiled back , "Missed you ... a lot !!" He said in a low voice.

Yoongi nodded and smiled at him,

" Me too !!! How have you been... Minie!!" He asked the words his mind craved to ask since so long.

Jimin nodded but before he could say anything his eyes fall on the little boy standing just beside Yoongi.

The boy's curious eyes looking at them,

And if Jimin's wound wasn't hurting before, it surely hurted now.

Jeon Junkook !!

The boy of his dream !! His actor crush !! His love !! And one more heartbreak !!

Jimin stepped towards the boy.

Standing just beside him felt so unreal!!

Tears continously spilling out from his eyes.

He touched Jungkook's cheeks.

Jungkook felt the smooth hand shivering on his skin. He was confused but the emotion he felt was so deep. He strangly, felt that directly touching his heart.

Jimin chuckled on tears and fell on his knees in front of the boy.

He covered his mouth and looked at Yoongi who had a wide smile plastered on his face,

"Y....Yoon!!! H...He's!!!... God!!! He grow up so well!!! Look at him.. !! Last time I saw him was when he was only few months old!!! "

Yoongi chuckled and nodded "Not just grown up ... He's perfectly bloomed !!"

Both of them laughed and Jimin nodded,

"Yah!!! Right!!! So amzing !!He's just like...." He stopped in the mid, smile falling in instant.

But he sighed and stood up looking at Jungkook with love in his eyes,

"Well , Come inside all of you!! " He turned to them and placed his warm hands on Jungkook's shoulder indicating to come inside the house.
And the rest of them followed him and came inside the house.

Taehyung laughed when V tackled him in his tight hug, He too... embraced his son who had already surrendered himself in his father's arms.

"My strong boy!!! What happened ??!! Why were you crying ??!!"

V stepped aside and glared at him and slapped his arms slightly, "For your kind information..... I was NOT crying??!!"

Taehyung laughed and pulled him in his embrace once again.

They saperated and Taehyung looked at Yoongi who then extended his hands for a handshake.

"Really!!! Still the formalities ??!!" He shook his head and instead of shaking hands pulled him in a hug as well.

"Look who's here??!!" Suddenly they heard a voice calling from the stairs .

When Yoongi looked at the voice, his eyes widened.

He saw Jin coming downstairs "Hyung??!!! What the hell are you doing here ??!!" He asked in a pure shock.

Jin gasped and hitted Yoongi on his head "Hey!! That was rude !!"

Yoongu chuckled and hugged him as instead, "No seriously !! What are you doing here??!!"

He asked Jin again who rolled his eyes and got busy in pampering Jungkook and V.

"We were having our decent holiday !! But my dear husband got some clue of his lost son. So to do some survey we arrived here" The answer came from a smiling Namjoon who looked at them.

"You....guys are having a ....s..son??!! At this age??!!" Yoongi asked in confusion.

At which Jin looked at him with shock and the rest laughed.

"I WILL KILL YOU!!!" Jin shouted, his cheeks tainted dusty pink.

"It's not that!! Actually the clue was of Hoseok's lost twin brother!! It was Hoseok's last wish. He wanted us to find him and check on him. " Namjoon replied while suppresing his laugh.

Mention of Hoseok's name brought the warmth that was lacking in the room.

Yoongi looked at them with wide eyes.

Jungkook and V shared a look and they both looked at Yoongi who was already freezed with shock.

"O...Oh!!! Ummm.. I see !!! ....so what is the clue you got??!" Yoongi nodded slightly and asked with a shaky voice.

"Not much .... just found that he was adopted by a family that moved here. We have their old address. And me and Jin planned to visit the place this evening"
Namjoon answered with a small smile.

Yoongi felt a sense of pang in his heart when realised it was Hoseok's last wish to meet his brother.

Hoseok's last wish!!!

His Hobi's last wish!!

'It's your turn to repay me ... Promise me you'll repay me!!'

And then suddenly he reminded of the promise he gave that day.

He remembered each of the word said by him.

Like he had them printed in his mind and heart.

And then he decided to speak up

"Hyung!!! I....I've seen .... Se....Seok" He shuttered those words.

"Seok??!! Who...." Jin's eyes widened when he realised what did Yoongi just said.

"I met him at Danial's.... Danial and he is in a relationship"Yoongi answered

And his answer filled a sense of terror in both Seokjin and Namjoon's heart.

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