No proofread:

Sweet chirping of birds echoed through the whole environment And warm rays of sunlight touched the ground. Like someone poured ambrosia and happiness in everyone's life.

For anyone it will be a fresh start , but for Hoseok It was just a usual day. Nothing special.

He woke up early in the morning and freshened up like he usually does.

He carefully covered V by blanket and caressed his fluffy hair And with that he left the sleeping boy in the embrace of sleep fairy.

And made his way to the room of his boyfriend... His so called boyfriend.

He stood in front of the door and knocked on it softly. He found the door opened so decided to sneaked inside. But what he heard broke his little heart

"Yah ! Baby get ready for daddy !! I'll be there soon. And then we'll spend our time together enjoying and doing those things hahaha !"

Seok closed the door with a heavy heart and run aside from that perticular room .

As soon as he reached the varanda he went towards the railing and held them Tightly. Unknowingly and unwantedly tears flowing from his eyes.

It disgusted him to the core. And somewhere he was disappointed with himself.
He didn't know where he went wrong?! Why isn't his boyfriend satisfied with him ?! What is the thing he don't have that other's do?!

All the negative thoughts engulfed his mind. He opened his eyes and looked up in the sky.

Birds flying to reach high in the sky. Clouds covering the sun time to time. A scene he and his brother used to love .

"there was a time when we both used to see the dreams that one day we'll be able to spread our wings and fly to reach the height of the sky remember hobi ?!! "

He mumbled slightly and gulped down his emotions before scoffing bitterly

"Why's life so cruel to me ?! What did I do wrong?! What's my fault?! Why am I not like you ?! Why doesn't anybody love love me ?! "

He sobbed quietly there was so much inside his heart that he wanted to let out but there was no one who would hear him . No one , who would console him .

So he cried. Just like how he always does , cry in his loneliness.

"What will it take for me to become like you . Should I need to learn dancing?! I know I'm not good at it , but I'll learn. Should I need to smile less?! I know my smile is not that pretty and I'll stop it !!"

"You know your smile is so beautiful that it can steal someone's heart very easily!!"

Seok's breath hitched and he opened his eyes. He took his time and sighed before turning back to be face to face to the person who just complemented him .

He looked at Yoongi who smiled sadly at him and took a step forward towards him . For a second he thought to run away. Yoongi would be the least person he would like to show his weak side to whom .

But right now all he needed was the comfort maybe Yoongi was going to provide him .

He sniffed and wiped his tears messily. Yoongi chuckled and took out his handkerchief. Handed it over to him.

Seok took the hankey and wiped his eyes properly. The hankey had Yoongi's strong cologne smell in it exactly like old times and that smell surprisingly calmed Seok .

He silently inhaled the smell and opened his eyes to look at Yoongi who smiled at him and joined him on the railing.

He silently looked at him staring at the sky .

"B.. but you haven't seen me smiling I guess??!!" He asked in a low voice.

Yoongi looked at him and passed a smile "A beautiful person like you surely has a beautiful smile . And believe me I've seen your smile. Just in someone else "

And with that he once again looked at the sky . Thinking of that someone .

His loved one .

The one who successfully stole his heart with exactly the same beautiful smile .

"You loved him a lot right?!" Seok looked at him with fond eyes.

One moment his heart wanted to listen every moment they share. How Yoongi used to cherish his brother.

But in the second moment he regretted everything. He didn't want to listen any of that.
Cause he knew it will only make him more jealous of his beloved brother.

But still he shrugged that feeling and looked at Yoongi who was so lost in his past memories.

"I loved him more than anyone can love someone. He was my whole life.  My everything. " And with that he looked at Seok .

And suddenly Seok's curious eyes reminded him of his hobi's. How he used to hear him whenever he used to talk about Jimin .

"More than anyone can love someone?!" Seok asked with a scoff .

Yoongi Frowned and looked at him with raised brow... "Why ?? You doubt it?!"

Seok looked at him directly staring in his eyes " No ... I didn't doubt you... It's just you don't know if there is anyone who loves someone more than you can even assume!!"

Now it was Yoongi's turn to scoff "Then you don't know us . I can fight with the whole world for his love . As well as he. He fought for me and even..." He stopped to control himself and closed his eyes before opening it to continue " he even.. d ..died... while healing me!!" Yoongi said with wet voice.

He took his time and gulped down the lump forming in his throat.

Seok looked at him and sighed "I'm sorry if I sounded rude .. I never meant to disrespect your love towards each other. It's just you can't state a statement saying you love him more than anyone can love his partner "

Seok looked at Yoongi. Unknowingly stepping inside his soul with his eyes and smiled bitterly.

"You said you can fight the whole world but you never know if there's someone.. who's willing to fight even with death for his partner."

He averted his gave and looked at the sky

"Who's willing to go beyond the worst for the sake of his love ."

And he held his pandent that he used to wear .

That holds the only sign of his love .

The love he never gets to express.

The love that was graved deep inside his heart.

The love that used to breathe in the form of him.

The love that only hurt him but still whom he wanted the most .

The love that was his but he never got a hold of it .

The love that's the only one who can save him from this hell, but never comes.

The love he always craved for but who was unaware of it .


Sorry for the delay update 😬

I apologise.

And let me see if you guys get the hint I left in the update... 👀

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