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'Hey Seokie, How're you doing? Feeling any better?" V asked as soon as he saw Seok In the kitchen. Seok gave the boy a warm smile and nodded

"Yah!! Better than the last time you saw me. Do you want anything?"

V shook his head and went near him "Nah, I just wanted to check on you"

Seok smiled and continued cooking foods that he was being ordered to cook. He glanced at the pouting boy standing near him "What's wrong?"

V looked up at him and sighed "Nothing, it's just Jungkook. He's irritating me now. He never listens to me. It's just me who's always bugging him. He's literally not good with words, and the worse thing is that he never realizes how badly his words hurt sometimes." And his pout deepens

Seok caressed his hair softly and V continued further "I know he's hurt but he have to let someone help him. He needs to come back from the past. Missing someone and never letting them go are two different things but he's too dumb to understand this. And it causes fights between us and ends up he telling me to go away from his life, to stop bothering him like a leach"

Seok put his hand on the shoulder of him and an unknown tear fall from V's eyes "I am just worried for him. He's my friend but he never thinks of me one" He sobbed quietly.

Seok asked gently in his motherly tone "Do you want me to talk to him?"

V wiped his eyes and shook his head "No need, It'll go in waste after all and it doesn't matter anyways. He should be happy now when I'm going" he completed with a sad smile. Seok frowned and asked "Going? Where?"

V smiled sadly at him, "well he wanted me to go so I decided to stop bugging him and I called my dad. they are coming so I'll be going with them"

Seok nodded his head in a bit shocked "oh! And when will you be back?"

"I won't be back! My parents are shifting in USA. And I'll go with them. So Yah! Let's say this is my last trip with you all?" He chuckled nervously

"Wait! What! Have you told all this to Jungkook?!"

V looked at him caught off guard. After all he never thought of this situation ever in his life "Umm, well... I've told about this to Uncle Min and I don't think it'll matter to Jungkook anyway!!!?

"Hey don't say that. You're his friend after all. And I know it'll matter to him so at least tell me before you go. When are your parents coming?"
"Tomorrow, but they'll stay here for two days dad has some works to do. So I still have three days with you all!" He tried to sound cheerful but Seok knew deep down he's not. He's just faking it.

There was a long silence in the kitchen. Only Seok was cooking and V helping him and once again Seok broke the silence, "Say, how many members are in your family?"

"Three. Including me. My Dad Kim Jimin, My Dad Kim Taehyung and Me"

"Oh! Pretty good. So what does your dad do?!"

"Appa, I mean my dad Jimin is a solo idol and my dad Taehyung he's a professor of Political conflicts"

"Wow! And what's you dream?!"

"I wanna be either an actor or an idol, talking about dreams... what was your when you were a child?!" V asked him with excited eyes. The question got stuck in Seok's mind and he paused in between his works.

'Dreams? What was my dream? When did I saw one? Did I do anything to achieve this dream? Why?'

His silence lasted for a long before a chocked chuckle left his mouth; he himself was shocked when he realized his answer is still the same. It hasn't changed in all these years.

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