Yoongi's POV:

I frowned when I found a lack of response so I looked up at him . Seok was lost in his thoughts.  A clear look of sadness plastered on his face .

I didn't know why , but that look did something to me . I felt a pang in my heart. What was that ?!! Why did I feel hurt when he was sad ?!

Was it because I can't bear to see sadness on that face ?!! After all that face reminds me of my hobi!

I cleared my throat which made him snap out of his deep thought. He flinched and looked here and there.

"You okay?!!"

"Y....ya..ah!! Yah I'm all okay!!" He smiled. But I knew that was a fake smile. After all I was so used to that sunshine smile.

But , ever since I came here that sunshine smile was nowhere to be found .

The only time he smiled wholeheartedly was when Jungkook hugged him so tightly.

That was only when I got to see his beautiful smile but after then , his smile was nowhere to be seen.

I turned towards him and examined him upside down. He was so thin and weak I guess .

His whole body was covered with cloth . I wonder why ?!

But his pale face and dark circles around his eyes tells the story of his sleepless nights. And his puffed , swollen eyes explain those nights were like a curse for him .

'Promise me Hyung, you'll help everyone who'll need help from me . Sometimes only an embrace is needed to heal you . Promise me you'll give that embrace to my place. .. promise me Hyung!!'

'I promise you hobi!!'

And suddenly those words ran through my mind and I looked up at him . 

His sad eyes who were searching for any source of comfort were clearly visible.
His slightly shivering hands were Begging to be held softly.
His trembling lips were asking for care
His shaking breath wanted to be embraced .

And without wasting any more seconds I engulfed him in my secured embrace.

His whole body was so warm. And that warmth was burning him from inside .

And my cold embrace helped him to settle.

He was taken back by the sudden action his whole body got tensed and his eyes became wide open.
He looked at me ..

"H...hy.. hyun..."  He began but I stopped him in mid .

"Shhh... Don't.. stay silent and close your eyes. Think me someone you would like to be here ."

He obeyed and soon I felt a pair of shaky hands around my torso . And his face buried in the crook of my neck .

He took a few shaky breaths to maybe calm himself. But that was not what I wanted him to do .

Sometimes it's necessary to cry, and at that time all you need is just a shoulder to cry . And I was more than willing to be one for him .

And hence I tightened the hug and caressed his back and that's when he lost . His body started shaking and he cried.

He clenched on my white shirt and cried . I didn't ask why he was crying nor did he tell me .

Right now I guess we were happy in each other's embrace.

And after a while when his cry died down he closed his eyes and took a deep breath..and that's when my eyes widened.

He smiled and soon I felt a feeling of comfort in the embrace and it didn't get me so long to understand he had exactly the same blessing like hobi.

And right now he was healing me .

Even though I wanted him to stop . But my heart betrayed me . And I melted in his embrace.

All the pain that was engraved in my heart ever since I lost hobi,  started coming out and it stayed for a second before disappearing whole .

I had my eyes closed and unknowingly tears flowed from my eyes.

"You're in a lot of pain ! "

I heard his sweet voice and once again I fell for the same trap .

The one that puzzled my whole life. And it's doing the same again .

But soon I heard a low wince and all of my comfort vanished away and I jolted back from the hug .

And looked up at him he closed his eyes and winced a little but smiled when saw me.

"Why did you do that??!" I asked him with a feeling of fear in my heart.

He frowned a little before chuckling softly

"It's not a big deal. After all I have that blessings to heal others!"

"NO YOU'RE WRONG!" I shouted unconsciously and took a stern step towards him ..

"What do you mean by I'm wrong. This is how it is Hyung. We've got the power to heal others and we should do that !"

"AT WHAT COST ?! " My anxiety was taking over on me . He tensed a little and the smile disappeared from his lips once again and he took faster breaths .

I, who  was unaware of the fact that I just triggered the most sensitive part of him continued with my rude behaviour.


"A...at the C.... Cost o... .f my li...life " he said and I took a step close towards him and he backed away.

"And.do.you.think.it's.a.great.decision??!" I asked while stepping closer with each word..

He backed away and his back collided with the cold wall behind and He whimpered in fear .

Tears falling from his tired eyes once again and cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

And I was stupidity taking out my anger on him .  Ever since I woke up from my coma I had a great issue while handling my anger . The  accident damaged my mind a lot even though I had recovered a lot but the anger was still out of control.

And I usually did so many things in my anger to regret later .

And this was one of those things.
I was clouded with anger in such a way that I didn't notice how his body started trembling with fear .

His lips continuously mumbling apologize.


he flinched and shrank himself in a corner

"WHAT THE HELL DAD WHAT ARE YOU DOING??!!" I heard Jungkook's shout from the door . And it snapped me back to my original state .

I looked up at him he was standing on the door with V and both of them had their eyes wide open.

And that's when it clicked to me and I looked in front of me where I found Seok all shrinking to himself.

My eyes widened and I quickly backed a little. I cursed under my breath and tried to hold him .

But he shook my hand away and ran outside of the kitchen..

I saw how he tackled the things on his way and locked the room from inside after going in .

"SHIT!!"  I shouted loudly.

And went towards the room .

And now I regret everything I did . Why did I shout at him . That wasn't his fault.  He was only trying to repay me by taking my pain away .

Why I'm like this . Why I always lose the most worthy things in my life ..

Why ?!!

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