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"Hyung!!! When can we start ???!!" This was the nth time when Seok asked the same question.

But this time instead of feeling annoyed, Yoongi just chuckled and shook his head.

"You really are a curious little cat right??!!" He asked the younger while placing his guitar back on it's place

" No... you're the cat in us!!"Seok said while thinking.

Yoongi raised his brow and looked at him, Seok gulped when he saw Yoongi glaring at him but sighed in relief when Yoongi chuckled instead.

"You think I'm like a cat huh??!!" Yoongi asked with a light giggle.
They both laughed when Seok cutely nodded.

It was a beutiful moment and Yoongi got starstruck when he saw the boy dancing on the music.

It wasn't him that danced at that time, it was his soul that dance at that time.

And Yoongi was mesmerised by the dancing soul.

And when the boy stopped, it was when Yoongi knew what he found!!

That day Seok found his way to freedom and dare to see a dream by his open eyes!! A dare he never in his life thought he would do.

And Yoongi knew the boy will work hard , as hard as he had to do ....

Not to be famous or anything ...

Only to achieve his freedom what he just found!!

And they both did.... ever since that day they both worked hard for the only thing Seok ever wished for.

Ever since that day ...

Yoongi become Seok's pen and
Seok become the highligher!

Yoongi wrote his future and
Seok made it brighter!!

They didn't know since when, they started becoming more than what they used to be.

At first they were just a master and a servent. But soon after they become friends. And like in a blink of an eye they become bestfriends.

And now they were more than that!! They were a perfect and beautuful couple.

Yes, their relationship was hidden from others but for them it was everything.

They changed each other completly.
Yoongi helped Seok to find his freedom!!
And Seok helped him to find his true self!!

Someone he always used to hide, even from himself!

But now he was his true self. The one he was proud of and the one his lover was proud of.

Yoongi told his dad he wanted to become a music producer. It was not easy at all.

But his father agreed after a lot of drama.

And now he was one of the well known music producer and rapper...


"And then press like this and you'll be able to play E note.." Yoongi said while softly holding Seok's delicate finger and caressing his fingers softly.

Seok chuckled and leaned his back against Yoongi's strong chest and huffed

"Look at you!! Flirting with your own boyfriend as if flirting with someone else's !!"

Yoongi smirked and encircled his hand around Seok's thin waist and whispered in his deep voice.

" Do you want me to flirst with my boyfriend in my way??!!"

Seok clicked his tounge and tried to wiggle out of his grip but Yoongi's grip only tighten and he whispered against his ears making a shiver run down to his back.

"Shhh...stay still ....and enjoy!!" And with this he placed a kiss on the soft cheeks of the younger and then at his jawlines

Seok closed his eyes and his breath hitched when Yoongi softly kissed the exposed part of his neck and took the soft skin in between his teeth.

He softly bit on the skin making the younger hiss slightly.

He then mumbled against his skin,
"I love you Seokie!!"

Seok smiled and turned towards Yoongi.
He stared in his eyes and leaned forward and in an instant his soft lips were touching Yoongi's chapped ones.

The both stayed still and soon Yoongi smiled in the kiss and moved his lips.

The both shared that beutiful momemt devouring each other's taste.

Yoongi once again getting lost in those amzing strawberry taste. And Seok loving the taste of that minty taste of the elder.

It was not their first kiss! Yah both of them shared their first kiss with each other long time back.

Their kiss usually used to be mostly heated one. That's what they both loved.

But right now they both wanted to feel each other slowly.
Wanted to memorize each other properly.

After braking the kiss they both breathed heavily.
Their forehead attached to each other and feeling each other's breath.

Yoongi slowly opened his eyes and pulled the younger in his ambrace.

The second he wrapped his arms around the younger , he stopped shivering.

The cold breeze coming out of the open window of the wooden house was no match for the warmth of love.

They both were in Yoongi's spare tree house. That he once made in his childhood .

This was the only place where he used to feel himseld the most and now it was his and Seok's place.

Their place for love.

And right now Seok was in Yoongi's sweat shirt.
Both of them just played in the river nearby.

It's not like Seok didn't had any beautiful cloth, he had ... so many.

There were so many designer dresses in his wardrobe but....

Nothing felt warmer than Yoongi's oversized shirt.

They both decided to lay on the matress and stare to the night sky.

Seok snuggled to Yoongi who just had his sweat pant on him and laid his head on the elder's hard build chest.

Yoongi tighten his grip on the younger's waist and said,

"I'll be missing you love!! It's been two years and I really can't be away from you!! How will I survive for the whole damn week without you??!!" He whined

Seok chuckled and placed a soft kiss on the elder's naked chest
" Don't worry hyung!! But when you miss me , just look up to the night sky "

They both looked at the sky and Seok continued," and remember, I'm like a star : sometimes you can't see me, but I'm always there !! Supporting you and cheering you all the time !!"

Yoongi felt the warmth raising in his
Chest once again and he smiled whole heartly.

They both slept in each other's warmth unaware of the upcoming storm that will surely turn their life upside down!!

Specially of Seok's...


So here you guys!! As I promised..

Tell me if you liked this and what'd you think of upcoming chapters..

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