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As soon Seok closed the door he felt himself almost fainting. He aligned his back with the door and slide down. His breath was uneasy and heavy, right now all he could think was how to not lose over his pathetic anxiety. Min Yoongi surely triggered the most sensitive part of him. Which he was afraid to show at all. He once again felt himself caging up just like how he used to do.

He closed his eyes and throws his head backward and just at the moment tears fell from his eyes. He took a broken breath and chocked on his sob

'Still that pathetic weak pussy right Seokie??!!'

"I'm not weak "He tried to be strong but his voice was nearly audible

'Why don't you just grow up??'

"I'm all grown up" His breath hitched when he heard an evil chuckle

'No you're not. All you can do is just cry and whine over little things. Like anyone would care. Huh!!!... No one cares at all. You are an orphan and no one shed tears for an orphan like you'

Seok knew once again his past is taking over his present. He's falling for that taboo once again, but how could you blame him when the one who's implying all this negative thoughts on him is the one who's most dear to him?!!

His breath slow down and his grip on his folded knees loosen a bit. He once again lost against his past and now all he could do was regret. But that was an aftermath; right now his mind had taken him once again in his past where all what he gat was wounds, hurts, pain and tears.

Seok grunted when a boy punched him on his stomach, he fell on his knees and held his stomach. His face was pulled upward by the tight grip on his hair

"Just like that looser!! Kneel!! This is your position" the boy who was almost four years elder than him said and all the boys standing behind him laughed.

This was one of the main reasons why he never wanted to go to school, him being bullied by the seniors.

Seok was just eleven when he got adopted by a couple who claimed to love him with their heart. Which was never true, not everyone have a great luck to be loved by someone and Seok was definitely not from one of them.

He sometimes used to wonder if Hoseok had faced anything similar to this but instantly he brushed that thought away. His brother must have lived better life than him. Ever since he got adopted everything changed, his mom-dad never loved him. They only used him for their benefit. They used to force him to do every work. Cleaning house, washing clothes and dishes, making food, and if he do any mistake they used to hit him brutally.

But the most disguising thing he felt there was when they used to invite some strangers and called that their business matter. Those strangers used to touch him inappropriately. They used to order him to do things that he maybe wasn't suppose to do. Like to sit on their lap while facing them and move, or to try different dresses in front of them and so on. He used to complain his parents about this but they only used to hit him more so he stopped complaining.

But then one day he got to know they'll send his to school which he never knew what is. He got scared by the feeling of going somewhere spending almost eight hours there with strange peoples.

But it was scarier than what he imagined. He at first started liking the place at least it becomes an escape for him from his terrible life. But soon other students started making fun of him for being an orphan and for wearing tatted clothes and he often used to get beaten by the senior students.

It's been two years and now he sort of got used to all of this.

"Hey worm, got anything to say??!!" the boy laughed and kicked him once again and this time Seok spitted blood.

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