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Yoongi looked at the younger who was lost in himself . He cleared his throat to gain back his attention.

Seok snapped out from his thought and looked at Yoongi who was looking at him already.

But before he could say anything a voice rang in his ears making him flinch badly


Seok turned with wide eyes and apologized several times when saw his boyfriend standing in front of him all in a great rage .

"I'm sorry S..Sir.. It'll... ready in few minutes.. please f.. forgive me .."

And the thing Yoongi found strange was that he was nearly begging in front of him .

Daniel gritted his teeth and cursed few words before shouting lastly on him to go. Seok flinched and apologized lastly before disappearing towards the kitchen.

Yoongi gather back his attention towards Daniel who was still mumbling some curse words and did a scoff .

It was surely an awkward moment for him. But still, He cleared his throat and gave him an awkward smile.

Daniel smiled back and offered a ciggerate to him. Yoongi smiled and denied the offer calmly

"Actually, I've quit smoking"

Daniel chuckled " wow !! What inspired you to do that ?!!" He asked in Amusement.

"My love . My Husband. He didn't liked whenever I smoke. So I quit !" He said with a soft chuckle.

"It's really strange. How love change people!" Daniel said in a sign of wonder.

Yoongi looked at him briefly before asking " why?!! Aren't you familiar with this feeling?!! I mean haven't you quit any bad habit for your boyfriend?!!"

Daniel laughed out loud before looking at him " Do you mean that puke ?!! Actually no ...!! What can anyone quit for that good for nothing?!! He's just a burden I've been carrying"  He said with a laugh

Yoongi Frowned. He felt a pang in his heart by his words ... He never knew Daniel thinks like this ..

"Hey .. you must respect him ... He's your better half !!" Yoongi couldn't help himself from interfereing .

Even though he knew it was the matter between a couple . he had  no say in that but still he couldn't stop himself from stepping in between.

"Huh!! Respect??!!!.. this is the least thing he deserves.. !"

Daniel looked at Yoongi who frowned even more

"Don't feel so pity about him Mr. Min . He was a whore before. And I've accepted him as my boyfriend is already a lot to him "

Yoongi's eyes widened unconsciously. He raised his brow and asked " excuse me??!"

"Yah !! You know nothing about him .... He was a whore before.. he can do anything for money. And my bad luck.. I'm stuck with him forever .. Just because of someone.. I hate that person from the core of my heart !"

He gritted his teeth, before exhaling another series of smoke .

Yoongi flickered his eyebrow in acknowledgement "Oh!! I...I never knew !!"

"Yah!! I guess he resembles your husbands a lot !!" Daniel asked him while raising his brow

"Yah...not just a lot ... He's exactly like him .." he looked at the sky and paused for a while before completing " just in looks .. you know .."

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