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"What do you mean??!!M...my first love??!" Yoongi asked with an extreme confused face.

Hoseok chuckled and nodded slowly "Yah.... "

"I ...know about him.... I know..about Jimin!!" Yoongi said hasitatly.

Hoseok took a deep breath and aligned his forehead with Yoongi's.

"Not... Jimin.... Jimin wasn't your first love.... It was Seok!!"

Yoongi looked at him with wide eyes , quickly backing up a little and said in a fash,

"W..what the hell are you talking??!!! Seok??!!....
Hell!! I didn't even know him!! ...
I just met him!! How can he be my f...first.. l..love??!!"

Hoseok had slight tears in his eyes. He sighed once again and touched Yoongi's cheek with his soft hands to calm him down.

"I know.... You have so many questions in your mind... and that's why I'm here.... To reunite you with your fongotten past !!"

And with that he held Yoongi's hand in his and closed his eyes.

Yoongi was beyond confused of what's going on,
before he felt a strong power inside him that somehow made him close his eyes.

As soon as he closed his eyes, so many sound suddenly started ringing in his head, disturbing him.

It was like his mind will burst due to the constant noice.

"Yoongi hyung... Will you try for your Hobi for once !!"

"Let's heal you first!!"

"Yoonie ... I'm sorry... Y..your Jiminie's sorry!!!"

" Yoon please d...don't go... "

Yoongi was panting... suddenly the voice irritating him way too much

"They'll kill me!!"

He tried to close his ears but it didn't worked...

"I need you... Yoongi please... d..don't leave me!!"

Yoongi screamed due to the increasing pain in his heart and irritation in his mind.

And then suddenly all the sounds stopped.

And there was only deep silence engulfing the whole environment.

Silence everywhere.

Yoongi opened his eyes and found only darkness all around him.

He wasn't even able to see a step ahead due to the darkness.

"Hoseok!!!!" He shouted only for his voice to eco back as if was in a hall.

"HOBI!! WHERE ARE YOU??!!"  He shouted more eagerly, but once again no answer heard.

He felt a sharp pain in his head and he held his head while hissing.

The pain wasn't calming down at all, it was only increasing and Yoongi ...
he felt himself weeker and weaker as the pain increased.

He tried to open his now red eyes due to the pain, but found his vision blurry.

He rubbed his eyes and tried to see clearly and what he saw made his eyes wide.

He was in a school.... not any school ....

it was...

"My school??!!" He wispered in shock.

"I've showed you the path... it's your way now... "

Cursed / Yoonseok Where stories live. Discover now