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Jungkook stirred in his sleep.... But soon felt a hand gripping him unconsciously....and the warmth spread through his whole body...

He carefully opened his eyes and looked at Seok ...who was holding both of them carefully...and was in deep sleep....

It was around 4:30 in the morning....even the sun rays didn't hit the ground properly.... But why would he need a Sun when he was having a whole damn !! sunshine laying beside him ...

Helding him in his warm , cozy and loveable embrace..  Jungkook smiled and carefully sat straight... When he felt Seok's grip loosened a little ..

He was about to step out of the bed .. but frowned when he noticed something....

When he looked at Seok's face again....he saw a drop of tear fall from the corner of his eyes.... sliding through his temples and disappearing somewhere...

He crotched towards him and wiped off the tear drop... When he touched his cheeks ...  He saw a few marks on his neck that was covered by his shirt's collar... 

He carefully opened a few buttons of his  shirt.. to give a proper look ....

But when he saw his whole neck ,collar bone and chest area covered in black and blue bruises...

He gasped inaudibly ... And covered his mouth with his palm... 

There were some bite marks on his chest and  collar bone area ..  and his whole neck was covered with marks that were like someone brutally gripped his neck until he choked...

Jungkook's eyes travelled through his body that he just noticed was fragile... And slim...

He looked at his wrist that had so many cut marks and gripping marks ....

When he held his hand and slid his sleeves he found marks , bruises , cuts and cigarette burns on it ....

Unknowingly a tear drop slid down his eyes...   And he closed his eyes to calm himself...

It was so painful to see ....  How can he bear all this....??!!

That was the only question running in his mind ... He closed his shirt buttons once again at which Seok stirred a little....but didn't wake up ....

Jungkook quickly stepped out of the bed and dashed out of the room .....

He was running without caring for his surroundings....

Hot tears were running through his eyes... He felt that pain ... When he saw all that  marks on Seok's body .....
his heart ached when he remembered there must be so many more that were hidden...

He knew at that's necessary to take him out of that hell ... And he was determined to do that ... He would do anything... To remove those pain from Seok's soul ..

While running...he bumped into someone...and almost fell ...but that someone stopped him and held him ...

"Careful kid!!! You okay...!!"

Normally at any other time he would be thanking that someone... But at this time his blood boiled when he noticed the person....

It was Denial... The person whom he hates the most right now ... Whom he would gladly kill if get any chance....

"I'm....s... sorry... T.. thank you" Jungkook said in a hurry with a stern voice without looking at him ...and ran towards his dad's room...

"Kids these days!!!!! I really hate kids. .!! I'm only bearing this one because of my deal!!  Let me crack that deal and then you'll see my true self !.. brat! !" Denial gritted his teeth and went inside his room and locked the door....

Yoongi closed his laptop with a frown when heard loud bangs on his door ..

He removed his glasses and placed them on the table nearby...before heading to the door ....

He was captured in a tight hug when he opened the door.... He startled by the hug ...but his frown deepened when he found it was Jungkook...

"Hey!! You okay chap??!! What happened??!! Huh?!" He asked in a soothing voice and caressed Jungkook's back ....

Jungkook didn't say anything just hugged him and cried ....  He hid his face in his stomach and cried silently...

Yoongi was stunned by this act ... But he chose to act normal... to calm the younger....

After a while Jungkook calmed down...and was only sniffing occasionally ...

Yoongi removed him from the hug ...and took him inside... He made him sit on the bed before closing the door ...

There was an awkward silence in the whole room... And only now Jungkook understands how foolish his act was .... !! Not only did he talk rudely to Denial....

He banged on Yoongi's room and cried ...

And now the toughest thing for him was.... How would he explain his act to his dad ??!!

He was lost in his thoughts when Yoongi asked
"You okay now kook??!!"

He shuttered and replied..  "y....yah!! Yah dad...i.. I'm t.. totally fine !!" And laughed sheepishly ...

Yoongi nod once and sat beside him ... looking straight in his eyes...

"You know what??!!... I used to lie exactly the same .. " he caressed Jungkook's cheeks softly "what's the matter son?!" He asked in a sweet voice

Jungkook looked at him with teary eyes... And hugged him again ..."Dad ... I... I saw a dream... Someone ... Who was hurt.  .... a poor soul he was So much in pain .... I want to help him.... But I'm afraid..."

Yoongi although couldn't get what Jungkook actually wanted to say..  but he still sighed and caressed his son's back and held him back.  

"What are you afraid of??!!" He asked to Jungkook.. who stayed silent for a while before answering
"Losing someone so dear to me . "

Yoongi kissed his forehead ..

" If that someone is so dear to you ..  then you will never lose him ...
Because people who are special to us always stays in our heart  ..
and helping someone will only make you a good boy ... So if you can ... Go ahead.. I'm with you .."

Jungkook broke the hug .. and looked at him ...he was sniffing and wiped his tears ...

"Will Appa hate me ?!!!" He asked too innocently....

Yoongi sighed and smiled a little....

"Nope ...never ... If anything... he'll only be proud of you more ... "

Jungkook got tears in his eyes once again...

"Dad ... I miss him..."

Yoongi was taken back for a while.... This was the first time Jungkook talked to him this much in these two years...   And on top of that.....

Jungkook finally said he misses His Appa ....
Yoongi smiled and engulfed him in his embrace... 

"I know .. and I miss his as well ..."
He said in a shaky voice ....


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