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Seokjin looked at Namjoon who was already looking at him.

"Y....Yoongi ... You haven't recovered your memory yet ??!! Right??!!" Jimin asked only to confirm.

Yoongi frowned and turned to him he nodded and asked, " Y....yah ... why'd you ask ??!!"

Jimin glanced at Namjoon and Seokjin who nodded in approvement.

"There's a lot you need to know yet." Seokjin Said with a sigh

"What do you mean??!!"To this point Yoongi was beyond confused.

"Well... It's you who need to remember the past... we can't tell you all it can trigger you... It's up to you to recover it all..." Namjoon who was quite till now said.

Yoongi frowned and looked at all of them .... what was that what they were hiding from him??!!


Yoongi snapped his head towards the door.


His frown only deepen when he heard the voice once again. As if ....someone is calling him. He went towards the voice.

"Where are you going??!!" Seokjin asked

"What do you mean where am I going??!! Can't you hear the voice calling??!" Yoongi said with discontent.

All of them looked surprised. They tried to listen but no sound was heard.

'Yoongi ......come to me !!'

The restness in Yoongi's heart only increased when he heard the voice calling again.

As if....!!

As if ...!!

As if .... he heard the voice before!!!

Was it???!!


Yoongi shouted and his eyes widened when he recognised the voice!!
It was Hoseok....!!

His hobi!!

He instantly panicked and run towards the voice ... out of the house..... towards his


"What did he just said??!!" Jimin asked with confusion. No one of them get what just happened. It was confusing for them all...

"I think he heard uncle hobi's voice. b...but how??!!" V said with confusion.

"Wait what??!!" Jungkook asked.

Yoongi was running towards the said voice.
Unknowingly tears forming in his eyes.
He never knew he'll be able to hear that particular voice again in his life.
But now when he heard him calling, all he wanted was to reach to him.

His breath got uneven, legs practically hurted from running so fast but now all he wanted was to reach to him.

'Yoon!! It's me!!! Come to me!!'

Yoongi wiped the fallen tears with his arms and continued running. He didn't know the way to reach the voice, didn't know where the voice was coming from, but..... it was an unknown force that was leading him the way...

Cursed / Yoonseok Where stories live. Discover now