CHAPTER ONE: the nightmare

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All Cassie saw was darkness

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All Cassie saw was darkness. She took a few steps forward and immediatly knew where she is. 

The Upside Down

Cassie remembers it too well. She remembers every detail of how she was stuck there. The truth is, she wasn't there as long as Will Byers was, but it still left her traumatized. 

Another things is when Cassie was in the Upside Down, she touched something after which she went unconsious and since then something weird was happening. When she was mad something scarlet was coming out of her hands and wrapping around objects. It looked like a dark red mist maybe? She doesn't understand it.

  As she was walking she heard something. She turned around and saw it. 

The demogorgan.

 Cassie started running. She wanted to run away from that creature. She just wanted to wake up. As she was running she saw something. It looked like a giant shadow in the sky. 

"What the fuck" Cassie yelled as she started running even faster. She ran and ran. Cassie felt so tired that she could pass out right now even though it's just a dream. She wanted to wake up so bad but she couldn't just stop running. How can she know if this thing can hurt her in her dreams, she can't risk that. She was too scared for her life. Then she saw that shiny thing. The thing she touched almost a year ago. She stopped. She didn't want to touch it again but something told her to.

As soon as her fingers brushed againts that thing, she woke up in cold sweat. She looked at her alarm. 2:00 am. Cassie walked to the bathroom and looked at her in the mirror. She was a mess. "Shit." she mumbled and turned the tap on. She washed her tear stained cheeks. 

After Cassie cleaned herself a bit she went back to bed. After a moment of just turning around in the bed she knew that there's no way that she'll fall asleep. So Cassie took out her walkman and played her favourite song. She found a random comic book and hoped that maybe listening to American Pie by Don McLean and the Scarlet Witch might make her tired.

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