CHAPTER TWENTY FIVE: the graveyard is a depressing place.

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Steve was driving them to the graveyard

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Steve was driving them to the graveyard. Max wanted to read a letter to Billy and Cassie wanted to read a letter to Veronica. "Turn here." Max broke the silence. Steve pulled up to the graveyard and the two girls got out. "I'll come to you, when I'm done okay? Be careful." Cassie turned to Max. "Okay. You two." Cassie kissed Max and the two girls parted their ways. Cassie walked to Veronica's grave and took out the letter.

When Cassie was done reading her letter, she wiped her tears and wanted to go read the one, that she wrote for Hopper. When she got up, to go to Hopper's grave, she heard her brother shouting Max's name. She quickly ran to them. "What happened?" She shouted. When she got close enough, she saw Max's eyes rolled back into her head. "Max? Max! No. No. Don't leave me! Please don't leave me! Max, please!" She shouted and cried as she took her face in her hands.

"Call Nancy and Robin! Go get 'em! Call Nancy and Robin! Go!" Steve shouted at Dustin and he ran away. Dustin came running back with a walkman and tapes. "What's her favorite song?" Cassie furrowed her brows. "What?" Dustin sighed. "Robin said if she listens...It's too much to explain now. What's her favorite song?" Cassie was looking for it and she found it. "Got it!" They put it in her walkman. Cassie put her headphones on her ears as they plugged tem in the walkman. Cassie could hear 'Running up That Hill' by Kate Bush.

Cassie didn't notice any difference, so she decided she had to do something. She closed her eyes and focused on Max. When she opened them, she saw someone standing in front of chocking Max. "No!" She yelled and they both looked at her. She shot her hand up and Vecna flew away. The vines let go of Max. "Max, run!" Max looked at her and Cassie nodded. Max ran into the 'portal' and Vecna looked at Cassie. "Cassie, what are you doing here?" Chills ran down her spine after hearing his voice. But she needed to make sure Max will make it out.

When Max almost out, Cassie retraced. Exaclty how El taught her.

Cassie gasped as she opened her eyes. Max started to fall down and Cassie quickly caught her. "Max! Oh my God. It's okay. It's okay. Shhh. I thought we lost you." Cassie wrapped her arms around Max. "I'm still... I'm still here. I'm still here."


Once again, Cassie was trying to fall asleep in Mike Wheeler's basement and wasn't succesfull. She looked at her watch. 6:30 am. "Can't sleep?" A voice broke the silence. "No, you?" The redead shook her head. "I just keep thinking about what I saw, but I don't know how to explain it with words." Cassie looked down and thought. "Well, what if you don't have to use words?" Max furrowed her brows. "What?" Cassie sat up. "Holly should be awake right?" Max nodded. "I guess. Wait, why are we talking about Holly?" Cassie started to get up. "Come on, I'll help you with explaining." Max didn't understand, what Cassie meant but still followed.

Cassie and Max walked up the stairs and saw Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler. "Morning, girls." Mrs. Wheeler smiled. "Morning." Max muttered. "Good morning. Do you need help with that?" Cassie pointed to the pancakes, just to be polite. "It's okay, honey." Cassie smiled at the woman and walked towards Holly, Max followed. They saw Holly drawing with crayons and Cassie grinned. "That's why we were talking about Holly." Cassie whispered to Max.

"No wait, do it like this." Cassie moved Max's hand. "Okay, Ms. artist." Cassie smiled and turned her head when she heard Mrs. Wheeler's voice again. "Morning, guys. Everything okay?" She talked to Nancy and Dustin. "Yeah. Yeah, everything's okay." Nancy sighed and Cassie turned her attention to Max once again.

Nancy walked to the girls along with Dustin who had a plate full of pancakes. "Hey." Nancy breathed. "Hey." Max put her headphones around her neck. "Hi." Cassie looked at the older girl. "You okay?" Nancy looked at the girls. "Just couldn't sleep." Cassie replied. "Same here." Max nodded. "People kept blasting music in my ears, for some reason." She added and Nancy chuckled. "Wait, why don't you have your headphones on?" The older girl turned to Cassie. "The real question is why should I?" Nancy sighed. "Because, you know that Vecna cursed you first. We don't know, why he let you go, but we can't risk anything." Cassie sighed. "Fine." She went to the basement, as she knew there was no point of arguing with the girl.

When she got back with her walkman in her pocket and her headphones around her neck, she heard Max. "But Holly let me borrow some of her crayons and Cassie showed me how to draw properly. We've been having fun, right, Holly?" The smaller girl just hummed. "Is this what you saw last night?" Nancy took a paper and Cassie sat down on her chair once again. "I mean, it's supposed to be. Cassie had this idea, that it'd be easier to draw it out than to explain it, but Not so much." Cassie nodded.

"Is that...?" Nancy trailed off as she took another paper in her hand. "It was like they were on display. And then there was this red fog everywhere. It was like a dream. A nightmare." Max looked down. "You think Vecna's just trying to scare you?" Nancy looked from the papers to Max. "With Billy? Yeah. But when I made it here... I dunno, something was different. He seemed surprised, almost. Like he didn't want me there." Cassie started to reply everything that happened in her head, to maybe find answers.

"Maybe you infiltrated his mind." Dustin butted in. "He invaded your mind, right? Is it that big a leap to suggest you somehow wound up in his? Like Freddie Krueger's boiler room." He continued. "Freddie Krueger?" Holly asked. "He's a super burned-up dude with razors for fingers. And he kills you in your dreams." Cassie scoffed at his stupidity for telling this to a 6 year old. "Seriously?" Nancy scoffed. "Sorry. It's a movie. It's not real." He turned to the small girl. "Just... think about it. What if you somehow unlocked a backdoor to Vecna's world? Like, maybe the answer we're looking for is somewhere in this incredibly vague drawing. God, we need Will." Dustin sighed.

"No shit." Cassie told him. "But I tried them again this morning, and it's the same busy signal." Max said as Nancy started to look through the papers again. "Is this a window?" She pointed at the paper. "Yeah." Max nodded. "Stained glass with roses." Nancy realized and Cassie thought about it. It seemed so familiar. "Yeah. See? I'm not so terrible after all." Max turned to Cassie and than to Dustin. "Yeah, with my help." Max giggled at that.

"Yeah, well, it helps that I've seen it before." Nancy started to fold the papers and draw on them with a marker. "It's pieces of a house." Max realized. "Not just any house." Cassie realized. "Isn't that Victor Creel's house?" She looked at the older girl and she just nodded. "Where you going?" Dustin asked as Nancy got up. "Waking the others." Nancy said and Cassie followed her, to help her.

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