CHAPTER THREE: fucked up halloween

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Cassie woke up in a surprisingly good mood

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Cassie woke up in a surprisingly good mood. She looked beside her to find a note.

'I needed to go home to change. Thanks for a great night.

See you at school,


The brunette sat the note back down and made her way towards the bathroom. And that's when she remembered, that it's actually halloween today.

Because of her parents, she had to be friends with so fake girls. Carol, Veronica, Sophie.

She hated them.

But Cassie knew, she had to, or her parents would yell at her about who does she think she is and her dad might hit her again.

As she was braiding her hair, she saw that mist. Again.

"What the fuck is that seriously" Cassie tried to stay as calm as possible, but she was kinda failing. "Actually, the girl was terified.

"Okay Cassie, concentrate." She said to herself as she tried concentrating on the mist.

She was about to give up, but she noticed that she was actually doing something. Cassie actually formed it into power balls.

"Holy shit" The girl chuckled as she concentrated even more. She needed to know what could it do, so she thought about Eleven. Cassie tried to move her hand to the tap and tried to turn it on. And to her surprise it worked.

"I have no idea how that happened, but that's fucking awesome." But sudenlly, it stopped. It didn't matter how hard Cassie concentrated, it wouldn't come back.

When she looked back in the mirror, she found out, that her nose was bleeding. A lot. And from both her nostrils.


Cassie decided to take the bus to school, because she didn't feel like skating or biking all the way towards the school.

She was still really confused about her 'powers'. How did she get them? Why do they work only at random times or when she's angry? Why when she was in the bed with Max, she didn't get a nightmare after years?

Cassie was lost in thought but the bus got to the Hawkings Middle School. She started walking towards the school, headphones sitting on her head. As she was walking through the halls of her school. She noticed the party in their costumes. "Nice costumes boys" The brunette winked at them, taking their full attention. She noticed how Mike's expression softened, when he saw it was just Cassie.

"Hey Cassie!" Cassie's smile faded as she turned around, only to find her 'friends' calling her over. "Hey girls." Cassie smiled at them. Not that it was a honest smile. Most of her smiles weren't, no matter who they were for. "Why were you talking to the weirdos?" Her 'friend' Veronica made a disgusted face. "Oh shut up Veronica." The girls stood there, frozen in place. They didn't expect Cassie, the queen of Hawkins to defend some weirdos. "So you wanna tell me, that you're actually friend with the freaks?" Veronica yelled and Cassie was sure the whole school heard it.

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