CHAPTER TWENTY ONE: how do you know where does Reefer Rick live?

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"Hey, Lucas, I'm going home okay? Be careful

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"Hey, Lucas, I'm going home okay? Be careful." Cassie knocked on the bathroom. "Yeah, okay. You too." He said in between of vomiting and Cassie grimaced. She knew how to handle her alcohol, but she still had a headache.
When she got home, no one was there. Not that she was surprised. Since it was early and Max will probably come over in a long time, she decided to make pancakes for Steve and Robin. She wanted to visit them either way. "Hello Bella, how did my kitty sleep?" Cassie petted her cat and walked to the kitchen.
As Cassie was preparing the pancakes she started thinking. Why didn't i have a nightmare today? Or a nosebleed? Are they finally gone? She poured the mix on the pan, but still wanted answers. Cassie turned on the radio 'Carry on Wayward son' playing as Cassi lightly danced and hummed the lyrics.
Cassie biked towards Family Video, where Robin and Steve worked. She took the pancakes she made and walked towards the door. "Hi Cassie!" Robin smiled. "Hey, what are you doing here?" A voice she recognized as her brother's called out. "Well, I was bored so I made pancakes." She put one box in front of Robin, the other one in front of Steve and took one herself. "You're an angel, Cassie Harrington." Robin took them thankfully and Steve thanked the girl as well. Cassie slid her doc martens off and jumped on the side of the counter and they all ate peacefully.

"Then Vicki laughed. And it wasn't like a cheap, fake laugh either. It was like... It was a real, genuine laugh." Cassie smiled, seeing Robin happy. "Of course. It's my Muppet joke. It's hilarious." Cassie chuckled. "My point is that Vicki laughed and everything was just like... It was perfect." The Harrington girl saw, that there was something else and decided to ask. "But?" Robin sighed. "But I'm having this problem where it's like, I should stop talking.I have said everything I need to say. But then I guess I get nervous, and the words keep spilling out, and it's like my... my brain is moving faster than my mouth, or... or rather my... my mouth is moving faster than my brain. I'm digging this hole for myself, and I want to stop digging, I'm trying to stop, but I can't. And I'm doing it right now, aren't I?" Robin rambled.

"Yeah, you are." Steve butted in. "Oh, I'm hopeless." She leaned her back againts the wall. "Eh. We both are." Steve joined her. "No, you're not. I'm positive, that you both are gonna find the girl of your dreams." Robin sighed. "Yes, we are bur if only we could just, like, combine." Steve furrowed his eyebrows. "Combine?" He asked, clearly confused. "No, think about it. I know exactly what I want, and I've found the girl of my dreams, but I can't get the courage to ask her out." Steve hummed in confirmation. "Meanwhile, you go on a million dates. And you have no idea what you want. So if we just combined, all our problems would be solved. Because, I mean, alone, let's face it... We totally suck."

Cassie chuckled. "Okay, to be honest, you do. But that doesn't matter that you won't find happiness. You just have to wait until you find the person, that you are sure you want to spend the rest of your life with." Robin sighed. "Ooh, I think I found our morning movie. Doctor Zhivago." Robin jogged to a shelf. "Ugh, you know I don't do double VHS." He walked towards her. "But it's about doomed love." Steve sighed. "Oh, well, that's relatable." Cassie chucked.
Precisely. Also, Julie Christie is b-b-bonkers hot in this. Like, seriously, the most beautiful creature I have seen in my life." Robin pointed at the TV remote and Cassie knew what she meant. The brunette took it in her hand and turned the tv on. 'We're in the Forest Hills
trailer park in east Roane County. We don't have a lot of details now, but we can confirm that the body of a Hawkins High student was discovered early this morning. Police have not released the name although we are told they're currently in the process of notifying the family." The reporter spoke. "Max..." Cassie whispered.

As if on cue, two people walked in the store. Cassie saw Max and immediately ran and hugged the redhead. "Oh god, I was so worried about you." Max smiled. "There's nothing to worry about, I'm okay." The two girls kissed. "Hey, Steve." Dustin walked towards the counter, the two girls soon following him. "You see this?" Steve's eyes slightly widened. "How many phones do you have?" Dustin kept going and Max grabbed Cassie's hand, interlocking their fingers. "Someone was murdered." Steve scoffed. "How many phones do you have?" Dustin repeated, this time louder. "Two. Why?" Robin butted in. "Technically three, if you count Keith's." Cassie spoke up. "Yeah, three works." Dustin and Max looked at each other and nodded. "What are you doing What are you..." Dustin jumped over the counter, meanwhile the two girls walked from the back.

"My pile! No, no, no! My tapes! Dude. What are you doing, man?" He walked to the computer. "Setting up base of operations here." He started typing something on the keyboard. "Base of operations?" Cassie furrowed her brows. "Get off." Steve tried to pull him away. "I need it." The curly haired boy protested. "For what?" Steve scoffed. "Eddie's friends' phone numbers." Steve looked at Cassie, who just shrugged. "Your new best friend you think is cooler because he plays your nerdy game?" Was he jealous? Cassie thought. "Yes. I never said that." Dustin looked at him, confused. "Seriously, you guys, maybe on a Monday you can play around, but it's Saturday. It's our busiest day." Robin butted in. "Robin, I empathize, but this cannot wait." She looked at Cassie in disbelief. "Calling Eddie's friends is an emergency?" Cassie spoke up. "Correct!" Steve asked Robin something. "Wait, seriously, what's going on?" Cassie was confused. "Can you fill them in while I do this?" Dustin turned to Max. "Fill us in on what?"


"Chrissy?" Cassie asked as tears welled up in her eyes. Max nodded. "I-i need some air." She walked to the door. "Wait, Cassie. Are you okay?" Steve asked in concern. "Yeah, just call them. I'll be right back." She walked out the door, ans walked behind the building as she slid againts the wall. Tears escaped her eyes as she started to hyperventilate. Sure, her and Chrissy weren't that close, but she still thought of her as a friend. And now, she'll never see her again. "Cassie, hey Cas, look at me." Max ran to her. "It's okay, it's gonna be okay." Cassie's breathing was becoming slower as the redhead wrapped her arms around Cassie.

Soon the brunette calmed down. "Go call his friends." She smiled softly. "Are you sure?" Max asked in concern. "Yeah, i'll be okay. Now go call them, so we can find Eddie and end this maddness. "Okay." Max left and Cassie took out a cigarette. She needed to calm her nerves.

Cassie came back in the shop, to see everyone surrounded around Robin. "What's going on?" All eyes went to her. "We're trying to find Reefer Rick." They looked back at the computer. Cassie knew where he lived. But should she tell them and expose herself? They seemed hopeless...

"Rick Lipton. He lives out by Lover's Lake. Check the computer for the exact adress." They turned to her. The truth is only Max knew about her unhealthy habits, so she wasn't as shockes as everyone else. Except for Robin, who looked on the computer and looked for him. "And how exactly do you know where this Reefer Rick guy lives?" Steve raised his eyebrows. "You're doing drugs?" Dustin asked. "Hey guys, I hate to break your argument but I found him." Robin butted him. "Great, let's go." Cassie walked towards Steve's car and he gave her the mom look, that said 'We'll talk about this later.'

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