4 | The Serpent Hand

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"Lady Yae, we have more visitors for the shrine." A maiden alerted with a light bow.

"Inform them that the shrine is currently closed."

"I-I beg your pardon?" She sounded distraught. "Is something the matter?"

"Don't fret so quickly little one. I just have a few concerns that I'd like to handle here at the shrine with utmost silence and privacy. The matter is urgent~" The woman with long pink hair, who spoke with unfiltered elegance, turned with a smile.

"I...I understand Lady Guuyji. I shall inform the rest of the shrine maidens as well."

"Thank you, dear."

As the maiden left, the sophisticated figure returned her gaze to the large tree infront of her, her big ears flapped at every sound made. She was making sure that all those she had ordered to leave had done so.

The fox lady then smiled her relief when the silence of loneliness greeted her. But well, she wasn't truly alone



"Now that the distractions are out of the way, would you care to cease your stalkerish idling~?" She looked up.

I stare down at Yae with my hat and scarf covering most of my features. Standing atop the large branches of the tree.

"It's quite the dull strategy to leave yourself alone when you're aware of a stranger." I say in a raspy tone. "Had you predicted my coming?"

"Strategies are quite my expertise, which is why I needn't require it for you, since there's no ill intent about your aura~"

More confused than satisfied with her answer, I jump down with a loud thud before her.

"All I predicted was that I'd be having quite the special guest, who that might be is yet to be reve-" As she goes on, I speed things along and yank my scarf down. Lifting my head high, staring directly into her eyes.

"Agh, could you not have held it back longer for the sake of suspense?" She whined.

"I have no time to build dramatic effects for your low rated novels..." I sigh and hang my hat behind my back.

"Low rated? Oh, my dear Hadeki, you've truly missed an era~" she giggles with a hand on her cheek.

"I've missed many things..."




"It is still good to see you, old friend." She hums.

"Heh, had I known you saw me as such, I would have been more motivated to fight that day." I roll my eyes.

"And could you have won even if you did~?"


She bursts into yet another fit of laugher while I grunt out my frustrations. I regret ever coming up here in the first place.

"Awww~ You sound as if you aren't as enthusiastic to see me as I you~"

"Your 'friendship' to me has been sceptical ever since I was blasted away by own leader. Knowing that you could have-"

"That I could have possibly known that she was going to do something like this and refused to throw my hands in? Making you think that I was equally on par with this entire scheme of hers?" She crossed her arms, even when she was frowning there was this dreaded smugness about her tone.

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