6 | Enemies in the shadows

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I always wondered what the true reason behind the creation of humanity was. Why would the Gods ever fancy the concept of such lowly weak creatures with basic intelligence...let them litter the world that belonged to us.

They're such insignificant beings and yet...as time went on I grew attached...especially to my people.

As someone who always questioned Makoto's towards mortals, I eventually followed her path and swore to protect the people of my home...Inazuma. Raiden Makoto may not have been the fighter in our rule but she believed I better fit that duty between the two of us...but we both shared the same love for our people...

And that's why she left for Kaenr'iah without telling me...



I needn't remind myself of it all again...I was only brutally made aware of what it takes to rule, the burden of time will forever haunt a leader. As this bane of time flowed, I lost more of the ones I loved....and more of myself.

I am an Archon...and yet my heart feels weaker than those of children I see running around the streets of my land. I was losing my belief in being able to rule on my own...Makoto was a leader, I was a warrior....I feared that 'time' will eventually come for me...take me and leave my people defenseless...

I felt so alone, so isolated...so wrong. Am I really alone? I still have Miko who's always still there to keep me from succumbing to a dense wall of nothing but work and worrywart ways. But why does it not feel complete...? The loss of Makoto must have left a hole in me that can never be filled...but that feeling is always fluctuating... it's as if my heart is tugging at something that could finally save me...is it my resolve for eternity..? Or is it-

"Your Excellency."

I swiftly turn.

I see him.

That duty bound yet bright and brimming face.

He stood there with no sense of fear or overdramatic respect in his actions, just a firm salutation and a smile.

"Reporting in already, Hadeki?"

It was an unnatural mystery, why my lips curl on their own whenever I see him.

"Or were you just speeding along work just to get here quicker?"

"Haha! You've caught me again..."

Oh how I wish to hear him laugh again...it brings me ease even if I know it wouldn't help any situation...

"But I assure you, I haven't left anything undone nor do I have anything dire to report to worry you."

"You never do, General..." I sigh out an accidental sad tone.

"Come, I don't wish to discuss much out in the open like this." I ask him to follow me.

"Inside....the Tenshukakku...? Is this not enclosed enough?" He tilted his head.

"Hmhmhm~ Just follow me."

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