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"Traveling to other nations?!"


Both Miko and Ei voice their disagreeing concerns to me as I relay my suggestion to them.

"Hadeki, you are aware of what you're saying right?"

"Of course, I understand how unheard of and scary it is for a God to leave her nation unattended but if you're smart enough, you have the means to alter those concerns."

Yae Miko's ears flap.

"Is that a challenge, my friend?" She said slyly.

"Hold on a moment, I'm still not through understanding why you would even suggest this." Ei waved her hands as if to stop us from brain storming.

"Ei, you are very detached from the world. Your thoughts and perspective of things is narrowed because you can't even fathom how different the world is now from what it once was. You need to see this world, all of it."

"But as Inazuma's Archon, I cannot leave. Why must I go out there? My concerns must only reside with me and my people." Ei retorted.

"Your people were connected with the world outside back then, and they're connected once again. It is only a matter of time that the future of change courses and leave you behind in it's fast pace. I want you to see the things I saw, experience the other nations as I did, see how most of them live on even without their Gods."

"But....how can it help my circumstances?"

"Ha! So you admit you have a problem."


I cough and try to dig back my more serious tone.

"We don't have to travel far and wide, simply visiting Liyue will be enough. We can keep the visit short if you want as well."

"And might I add..." Miko tapped her chin. "Is it not around this time where the people of Liyue have a special occasion~?"

"Ah! Lantern rite! You're right, we're nearing the celebration of a new year in Liyue, this is more than perfect for a chance to visit!"

"Even if I were to agree to this, the question is still there and has not been answered, how can I possibly leave Inazuma? -- I do not say keep the Shogun here because I cannot travel in the real world without her vessel."

She stopped me immediately from making an interjection which caused me to lower my hand and quiet down.

"Then we make a new temporary puppet~" Yae Miko's voice chimed and caused us to turn to her with surprise.


"Why the surprise, Ei~? The Shogun isn't the first vessel you've created after all?" Miko giggled as she stepped down from the podium of the great tree.

"Then what was the first?" I ask.

"That's not...!" Ei yelled but soon sighed and calmed herself. "It was a failed first attempt, we do not need to mention it."

She then whipped back to the tall proud fox.

"But what are you trying to say, Miko?"

"Is it not simple? Make another puppet to act as a traveling body for you so that the Shogun can stay and govern the nation in your stead. You can brief what you must to her and be off on your way as if you had never left~" she shrugged.

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